Park Young-sun “Common apartment on the riverside?” Sang-ho Woo “I can’t underground my neck”

In addition, candidates for Seoul Mayor Park Young-seon and Woo Sang-ho of the Democratic Party set the day for each other’s real estate pledges at a radio debate on the 22nd.

Candidate Park appeared at the BBS Radio Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul Candidate’s debate and said, “It will take a very long time for the basic construction to build and supply public housing by creating an artificial site on the Gangbyeonbuk-ro and Olympic Highway.” “Have you checked the construction price per pyeong of the apartment?” he asked.

Candidate Park, who made a pledge of’a 10-million-won half-price apartment per pyeong’, asked, “The sale price will be close to 20 million won, so it would not be suitable as an apartment for the common people.”

In addition, he pointed out that even in the plan to supply apartments to the riverside in large quantities, “a aesthetically and also the aspect of publicization of the view area is very damaged.”

Park Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho at the BBS Buddhist Broadcasting Radio Democratic Party Mayor Candidate Debate

picture explanationPark Young-sun and Woo Sang-ho at the BBS Buddhist Broadcasting Radio Democratic Party Mayor Candidate Debate

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Candidate Woo pointed out that Park’s pledge to supply housing through underground construction of the Gyeongbu Expressway is “a policy that is not suitable for the purpose of stabilizing real estate prices if the Gangnam large-scale development plan raises neighboring house prices and reflects the precedent that has led to an increase in house prices nationwide.” did.

“Despite the good intentions, concentrating large-scale development plans in Gangnam should clearly take into account these adverse effects.”

The two candidates also had a nervous war over financial support policies for small businesses due to the prolonged novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Park Young-sun speaking at the BBS Buddhist Radio Candidate Debate

picture explanationPark Young-sun speaking at the BBS Buddhist Radio Candidate Debate

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Candidate Park pointed out that “the Seoul city budget is too much of a burden” in Woo’s pledge of ‘100 million won in emergency financial support’, and Woo said that there are small business owners who have already received loans for Park’s’interest-free financial support pledge’. It doesn’t fit,” he said.

When asked about the book that changed his life, Candidate Woo pointed out that when Park talked about three books, he said, “Can there be so many books that changed life?” Choosing former President Kim Dae-jung, he said, “If it is a Democratic Party, it is natural for the Democrats to follow the three-division philosophy of President Kim Dae-jung, President Roh Moo-hyun and President Moon Jae-in.

On this day, Candidate Park visits the Democratic Party General Assembly of the Seoul City Council and the Seoul Headquarters of the Korean Federation of Trade Unions one after another. In the evening, we plan to have a policy discussion with Rep. Jo Jung-Hoon Cho.

Candidate Woo visits’Solugate’, an AI solution company in Gasan Digital Complex, Geumcheon-gu.

Woo Sang-ho speaking at the BBS Buddhist Radio Candidate Debate

picture explanationWoo Sang-ho speaking at the BBS Buddhist Radio Candidate Debate

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