Park Young-sun and Na Kyung-won appearing in TV Chosun’The Taste of Wife’

Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun and former lawmaker Na Kyung-won (the power of the people), who are being discussed as candidates for the mayoral election by the mayor of Seoul, are side by side appearing in the TV Chosun couple’s observing entertainment’The Taste of a Wife’ to attract attention.

On the 31st of the TV Chosun entertainment program’the taste of a wife, which is nowhere in the world’, “Minister Park Young-sun and I will appear. The first recording was recently completed, and the broadcast date is undecided.”

▲ Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun (left) and former Congressman Na Kyung-won.  Photo = Media Today, Yonhap News.
▲ Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun (left) and former Congressman Na Kyung-won. Photo = Media Today, Yonhap News.

Attention is drawn to the appearance of two female politicians who are mentioned as candidates for the mayor of the ruling and opposition parties. In particular, considering that the main audiences of TV Chosun are middle-aged, it is analyzed as a strategy that considers conservative voters.

The production crew said, “For the first time in the history of’wife’s taste’, female politicians, former lawmaker Na and Minister Park, are the first to disclose their family and daily life,” he said. “We are going to show our lives as a wife and mother, not as a politician.”

Broadcasting programs featuring politicians as the protagonist have become the center of the topic and sometimes have sparked controversy.

Gyeonggi-do governor Lee Jae-myung and Gyeonggi-do governor made a fixed appearance on the 2017 SBS entertainment program “Bronze Dream 2-You are My Destiny,” and late Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon and Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong also appeared on entertainment programs to show their familiarity.

Ahn Cheol-soo, the head of the National Assembly Party, also appeared in the TV Chosun documentary’Star Documentary My Way’ in September of last year to reveal his daily life.

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