Park Won-soon victim’s press conference “It’s a little hot” “I don’t know”

On the morning of the 17th, at a press conference held at a hotel in Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, the late Park Won-soon victim of the sexual violence incident was prepared at a press conference.  yunhap news

On the morning of the 17th, at a press conference held at a hotel in Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, the late Park Won-soon victim of the sexual violence incident was prepared at a press conference. yunhap news

On the afternoon of the 17th, at a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center, the positions of the opposition parties, which were announced with a lag of only 5 minutes, diverged sharply. That was the reaction to the press conference of the late Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon’s sexual harassment victim A.

The first person who visited the press conference was Park Seong-joon and a spokesman for the Democratic Party’s Central Election Committee. As soon as he met the reporters at 2:33 pm, after criticizing Candidate Se-Hoon Oh Se-hoon, Mayor of the People’s Power, he said, “You must be curious, but there is nothing to say about the press conference today (former Mayor Park victim). Another question?” It was before reporters’ questions had yet to come out.

When reporters asked, “Is there no official comment in the future?” Spokesman Park said, “I know that the response is being considered by the camp.” He added, “I haven’t met or discussed with me at the camp, so I don’t want to mention that part.” He sweated so much that his forehead flashed and said, “It’s a little hot here” as he left the press conference. Spokesman Park is also a spokesperson for the Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun.

While Spokesman Park was sweating, female members of the Power of the People stood at the press conference at the Communication Center. At this meeting, Rep. Kim Jeong-jae read the statement in the name of all female lawmakers from the Succeeding Party, saying, “We will deeply sympathize with the suffering of former Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon victims of sexual violence, give sincere comfort, and will continue to support and be with you.

At the same time, they aimed at the Democratic Party. Rep. Kim said, “The series of things that were inflicted on the victims resulted in the Democratic Party focusing on political self-defense without worrying about the victim’s pain. And distorted,” he criticized.

CCTV showing the last image of the late Mayor Park Won-soon.  yunhap news

CCTV showing the last image of the late Mayor Park Won-soon. yunhap news

Other opposition parties also raised their voices of criticism against the Democratic Party. Ahn Hye-jin, a spokesman for the People’s Party, pointed out that “there was no victim-centeredism that the current government shouted day and night.” I hope you will respond responsibly.”

The Democratic Party did not make any official comment until 5 pm on the same day. However, two of the top female committee members issued a statement in their own name.

Democratic Party Supreme Commissioner Yang Hyang-ja said on his Facebook page, “I agreed with the very inappropriate expression of the’victim complainant’ in the early days of the incident.” “It is my fault. As a woman before being a politician, she apologized, saying, “I couldn’t count the pain of the victim.” He continued, “This election for the mayor of Seoul is an election that was caused by our Democratic Party’s fault. Responsibility and resolution are also our obligations,” he said. “We demand responsible measures at the party level for secondary abuse. He added that the elected officials of our party should be held accountable for the second offense.”

Supreme Commissioner Park Seong-min also said through SNS, “I ask for forgiveness with a disheartening heart, knowing that what made the victim so lonely and tormented was the lack of response of the Democratic Party. I am sincerely sorry.”

However, when visiting Busan on this day, CEO Tae-nyeon Kim and Standing Sundae Chairman Lee Nak-yeon, responded to reporters’ questions, saying, “I don’t know anything about it right now” and “I don’t know.”

Reporter Kijeong Kim [email protected]
