Park Joo-min “Speed ​​control of the prosecution reform? I haven’t heard anything like that”

Together with Democratic Party lawmaker Park Ju-min.  Central photo

Together with Democratic Party lawmaker Park Ju-min. Central photo

In addition, Rep. Park Ju-min, team leader of the Prosecution and Prosecution Separation TF of the Democratic Party’s Prosecutors’ Office, said, “We haven’t heard any official or informal (related to speed control theory) stories at the level of our Party and the Investigation and Prosecution Separation TF.”

On the 24th, Congressman Park said at MBC Radio’Kim Jong-bae’s attention’, “President Moon said that’the system is settled’, but this does not seem to mean that this is the speed control of season 2 of the prosecution reform.”

Earlier, Minister Park said at the Legal and Judiciary Committee, “There are two main words from the President to me. It is the settlement of the reform of the investigative power to be implemented from this year. There was,” he said.

Accordingly, interpretations poured out that President Moon requested speed control for the prosecution reform. The Democratic Party is currently pursuing a plan to separate the prosecution’s right to investigate and prosecute the prosecution and establish a new serious crime investigation office as’Prosecution Reform Season 2′.

Rep. Park asked,’Have you heard any talks about speed control even in the closed party meeting on the 23rd?’ “The private party was the first place to talk about the direction of the separation It was a place to form a consensus about the direction and the degree of separation of the investigation prosecution.”

Rep. Park said on the YTN radio’Hwang Bo-seon’s departure morning’, saying, “I haven’t heard any official or informal talk about adjusting the speed,” and “I don’t think there is anything affected by the prosecution reform season 2.”

Rep. Park said, “At the level of my TF, the work on the separate investigation and prosecution bill within the special commission for the Prosecution Reform is almost finished,” he said. “At the latest, it is likely to be initiated in early March.”

Reporter Flood-min, [email protected]
