Park Ji-soo, I’m not going to make a celebration at our home. Cheongju Saengsaeng Talk

Park Ji-soo

[엑스포츠뉴스 청주, 김현세 기자] `I didn’t want to see the opponent popping up in our home. So I tried to jump one more step.`

Cheongju KB Stars Park Ji-soo scored 30 points (3 points 1) 16 rebounds and 4 assists in the 3rd round of the championship match against KB Kookmin Bank’s Liiv M 2020-2021 women’s professional basketball game, Yongin Samsung Life Insurance, held at the Cheongju Indoor Gymnasium on the 11th. -75 led to victory. Park Ji-soo was also selected as the MVP’Liiv M FLEX’ in the 3rd round of the championship match by scoring his most goals in the previous championship match.

KB Stars won one victory after losing two consecutive victories in the championship match series. Not only Park Ji-soo, but also the spirited atmosphere within the team was rampant. Park Ji-soo led the scoring with Shim Seong-young (23 points (3 points, 5), 5 rebounds and 6 assists), Park Ji-soo (30 points, 15 rebounds, 4 assists), and Kang A-jeong (8 points (3 points), 3 rebounds, 3 assists), and Kim Min-jeong (7). Scored 4 rebounds and 3 assists). KB Stars also shook the defense of Samsung Life Insurance by diversifying attack patterns after putting Kim So-dam (5 points (3 points, 1) and 2 rebounds).

After the game, Park Ji-soo said,’It was a mind to prevent the opponent from firing a celebration at our home. My physical condition wasn’t normal, but my opponent was the same, so I tried to jump one more step. It worked out well and won a pleasant victory.” He said, ‘With the same heart as today, I can never make a celebration at home, and I will work with the mind that I can’t even if I want to do more. It seems that the initial atmosphere fight is important. I passed that moment well when it was boiling, but I will do well without being pushed in the atmosphere fight.

Park Ji-soo presented coffee as a regular league MVP and 7 crowns prize money to a home fan who visited the 3rd game today, but in this regard, `In fact, the time to prepare was before the first game of the championship. I prepared because I thought it would be nice to win with the fans while drinking coffee in the 3rd game, but it was regrettable that I was in a difficult situation. I hope you can eat well anyway. I got the prize, but because of Corona 19, I couldn’t have a dinner, so I thought it would be right to give it back to the fans, so I gave it a coffee.

[email protected] / Photo = Cheongju, reporter Park Ji-young

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