Park Hyung-jun refutes allegations of L-City and entrance examination

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 4.7 By-election of Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon Public Power A preliminary candidate for the Busan Mayor is announcing his position on the controversy over L-City through an emergency press conference on the 5th.

4.7 By-election of Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon Public Power A preliminary candidate for the Busan Mayor is announcing his position on the controversy over L-City through an emergency press conference on the 5th.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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[기사보강 : 15일 오후 5시 46분]

“I can’t stand aggression and slander on my family anymore.”

Park Hyung-joon, who held an emergency press conference on the 15th to raise various suspicions of the Democratic Party, such as’Instruction of the Four Major Rivers Illegal Inspection Documents’,’College Entrance Examination’,’L City (LCT) Preferential Sales’, etc. I repeated the expression five times. Candidate Park, who defined the ruling party’s argument as’election work’, strongly opposed the day, saying, “Do not ask,” he said. However, the Democratic Party is expected to reiterate, saying that it has the purpose of speculating on real estate, and the battle is expected to continue.

Buy one L-City in April 2020… “My daughter moves in with a loan”

The Democratic Party is continuing its wave of offense against Candidate Park, led by Rep. Jang Gyeong-tae, the secretary of the Special Committee for the investigation of indigenous corruptions of the Jeong, Gwan, and Kyung. On the 11th, Rep. Jang raised the suspicion of’Hongik University admission irregularities’ regarding Candidate Park’s children on the 11th, and on the 14th, he raised the suspicion of the’L City preferential sale’ of candidate Park’s Seondae committee officials.

There were also claims that Park and his family “have two L-Cities.” Democratic Party chief spokesman Choi In-ho called for clarification, saying, “It has been revealed that two L-Cities are owned by Candidate Park’s wife and immediate family.” Spokesman Choi, who met with reporters at the National Assembly on the 15th and mentioned these contents, said, “If you owned L City in 2015, before your tenure as secretary-general of the National Assembly in 2016, you have to register your property. And pressed. (Related Articles: Democratic’L-City’

Candidate Park’s answer to this was “The Democratic Party is spreading false information.” Candidate Park publicly refuted the controversy over’owning L City’ at the election office at 3 pm on the same day. First of all, Candidate Park admitted that he lives in L-City, but drew a line that “it has nothing to do with corruption in preferential sales.”

View Larger Picture
 4.7 By-election of Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon Public Power A preliminary candidate for the Busan Mayor is announcing his position on the controversy over L-City through an emergency press conference on the 5th.

4.7 By-election of Busan Mayor Park Hyung-joon Public Power A preliminary candidate for the Busan Mayor is announcing his position on the controversy over L-City through an emergency press conference on the 5th.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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If you look at the data such as the sales contract that Candidate Park released on that day, he bought one L-City in April 2020, and is currently a single household and one homeowner. He refuted, “As children married and grandchildren were born, I made a loan to buy a house where my wife would live for a lifetime,” he said.

Candidate Park also explained the details of her daughter’s sales of L City. He clarified about the other house mentioned by spokesman Choi In-ho, “My daughter’s husband is a businessman, and he sold the Centum apartment where he lived and used a loan to buy a sale right to move in.” “My daughter is not legally related to me. I hope you respect the privacy and human rights of individuals,” he added.

The suspicion of’examination irregularities’ also said, “My daughter has never responded to the Hongik University entrance exam, and his spouse has never made an unfair request.”

Candidate Park lucked out the reason for holding the press conference, saying, “No matter how much it is an election, there is a minimum of reason.” His remarks led to criticism against the Democratic Party. He said, “How embarrassed the citizens of Busan for the power-type sex crime of former Mayor Oh Geo-don?” and argued, “The Democratic Party is still promoting black propaganda.”

Controversy is expected to continue despite these clarifications. It is reported that the Democratic Party is preparing to announce its position regarding Park’s possession of L-City at the central party level.

The Democratic Party’s Busan City Party made a criticism statement on that day. The Busan City Party said, “L City was an incident that caused a lot of anger and despair to the common people through corruption,” and said, “Even after knowing this, the fact that the candidate for public office bought L City at a premium can only be seen as speculation to increase wealth.” Pointed out.

An official from the Democratic Party’s Busan City Party <오마이뉴스>In the end, he argued, “It is that candidate Park Hyung-jun’s family has two L-City apartments, but they are only making self-defensive excuses.”

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▲ “75 pyeong 3.5 billion” The latest market price notice posted on March 10 in front of a real estate company near L City (LCT), a high-rise residential-commercial building in Haeundae, Busan. The current market price of L City, which was sold for 27.5 million won per pyeong (about 2 billion won based on 75 pyeong), has risen by more than 1 billion won to about 3.5 billion won.
Ⓒ Kim Bo-seong

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