Park Hyung-jun “Korea-US vaccine swap helps God to strengthen alliance.”

Park Hyung-joon is a professor at Dong-A University.  Reporter Choi Jeong-dong

Park Hyung-joon is a professor at Dong-A University. Reporter Choi Jeong-dong

Dong-A University professor Park Hyung-joon, who is mentioned as an opposition candidate for the Busan Mayor’s by-election next year, urged on Facebook to “promote a vaccine swap.”

Professor Park said, “I think the’Korean-American vaccine swap’ proposed by Congressman Park Jin is a godsend to overcome the vaccine crisis.” “We want to repay the vaccines produced in Korea to the United States by introducing them.” He added, “If this happens, it will help strengthen the ROK-US alliance.”

“Even if it is not necessarily a Korea-US vaccine swap, it seems that it is a possible proposal to borrow a certain amount from countries that have enough vaccines and pay back later.” I think.”

Professor Park said, “The USFK will start vaccination next week.” “It is said that Korean KATUSA soldiers will also get the vaccine. Because I did it, I feel self-defeating about whether I can take care of my child myself.”

Also, “President Moon Jae-in once said that the Blue House should be a control tower for all major disasters and disasters. But the Blue House has now fallen into a control tower to avoid responsibility,” he criticized.

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
