“Park Hye-soo crying and asking for false testimony… Threatened with penalty” Another disclosure of Mr. A

Park Hye-soo (27)’s controversy over school violence is going to worsen with the revelation that he requested false testimony this time.

On the 9th, Mr. A, a harp exposer, posted on his Instagram on the 9th, “(Park Hye-soo) contacted me and wrote a post on Instagram regardless of his will. He said he couldn’t remember the things he did. “At the same time, he could ask for a penalty of 10 billion or 20 billion dollars, but he was threatened to stop at this point, asking if it was okay.”

He added, “I called a person and asked him to give a’false testimony’ while crying.”

Mr. A said, “By spying on Facebook and posting a picture that has nothing to do with the incident, he is conspiring with me and my acquaintances and making me and all of the victims liars.” “I have to be treated as a perpetrator because I was not an exemplary student. I reported as a victim, and not only me, but a lot of people complained to me, so that I only made it public.”

In the end, “I feel so painful and unfair that my throat is sore. I only hoped for apology and approval, but why did I hide because I was a victim in the past, and I have to hide again until now.”

Earlier, Mr. A insisted on an online community last month that he was “struck by school violence by a female actor who works well with an innocent image.” Later, in the Korea University community where Park Hye-su was attending, there were articles such as “Park Hye-soo was famous as a contemporary” and “Suddenly, after gathering newbies, they kept standing outside for 30 minutes and kept scolding them and some of the children cried.” It was uploaded, and articles alleging Park Hye-soo’s harassment were published one after another.

In addition, Park Hye-soo, who mentioned that Park Hye-soo was alumni of Daecheong Middle School, was so-called’Iljin’, and the suspicion of academia increased by claiming that he had extorted money and used violence such as stealing money or slapping money from nearby middle school students.

Afterwards, the agency’s studio Santa Claus Entertainment said, “We will secure evidence to prove the falsehood of the disclosure and submit it to the investigative agency, and proceed with further complaints for posting false posts.” Park Hye-soo directly revealed his position.

Park Hye-soo claimed on her Instagram that she was a victim of school violence by her friends. “I transferred from Gangbuk, one year older than my classmates, and I was harassed because I had been studying in the US.” “There were things like eating, flipping the plate, getting all the food in the school uniform, hitting it while passing the corridor, and spitting abusive language behind my back,” he said.

He added, “I want to ask this child who wants to ruin me by falsely inciting me with an unreliable story, why on earth should I do that?

With Park Hye-soo’s position, Mr. A posted another refuted position, and the truth battles of both sides are continuing.

Meanwhile, among them, the drama’Dear M’, starring Park Hye-soo, played the first broadcast indefinitely.

Kang So-young, online news reporter [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
