Park Hye-soo alumni refutes “I’m going to work because of my head? It’s a malignant curl”

[이데일리 김소정 기자] While actor Park Hye-soo denies allegations of school violence, netizens who claim to be Park Hye-soo middle school alumni also said that Park Hye-soo is a victim of a school abuse.

Park Hye-soo’s middle school photos released by Mr. A on Nate Pan (Photo = Nate Pan)

Netizen A told the online community’Natepan’ on the night of the 8th, “I can’t just report to the words that there is no alumni post because I lived how I lived, so I can’t just report it, so I write.” Hye-soo has been cheerful and sociable since elementary school, so she got along well with her friends and took good care of her grades.”

“I have been in constant contact with my middle school friends even when I was studying in the United States, and when I returned to Korea a year later, I remember buying gifts from my friends and myself. I think my parents moved to Daechi-dong to study in a better environment, but after transferring to a large audience, I had a lot of trouble with the harassment of my classmates.”

He said, “Everyone was puzzled and angered when they learned that they were suffering from ridiculous rumors and harassment when they transferred to school. Hye-su always cried and called his friends.”

Mr. A said, “The person who harassed Hye-su is now a friend who said that he was a victim. Of course, I don’t know all the life at the school I transferred to, so there are a lot of things to be revealed, but what I can tell you as a friend during Jangpyeong is that I was harassed by the school transfer, and it is true that malicious rumors have paid off at that school. People are not one-sided victims.”

At the same time, when netizens pointed out that the hairstyle of Park Hye-soo’s graduation photo was’the hairstyle of Iljin,’ Mr. A released a picture of Park Hye-soo’s past, saying, “Hye-soo is a malignant curly hair.”

On the 7th, Park Hye-su also announced his position on Instagram for the first time regarding the suspicion of abusing. He claimed that he had been subjected to school violence by his friends.

Park Hye-soo graduation photo (Photo = Nate Pan)

However, Mr. B, who claims to be a victim, said on the Instagram account that revealed his face and name after the announcement of Park Hye-soo’s position, “I contacted my surroundings and wrote on the other side regardless of their will. He said he could not remember what he did to all the victims, including. At the same time, I could ask for a penalty of 10 billion or 20 billion won, and I am being threatened to stop at this point, asking if it’s okay.”

“I called another person and asked for a’false testimony’ while crying. He spied on my Facebook and uploaded a picture that had nothing to do with the incident, conspiring with me and my acquaintances, and making me and all the victims liars.”
