Park Eun-seok wants to be this time, specializing in attack

Eun-Seok Park /Photo = Instagram, Fan Cafe

Eun-Seok Park /Photo = Instagram, Fan Cafe

Actor Park Eun-suk revealed to the fans, saying, “There are so many things that I want to be attacked at this time,” regarding the suspicion of sending a dog.

On the 27th, Park Eun-seok posted a post on her fan cafe saying, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.”

Park Eun-seok said, “There are too many things to be attacked because this controversy pops out during a busy schedule and I want to be attacked at this time, right?”

He said, “Stone Age (fan cafe name), we apologize for worrying about our Eun residents,” he said. “Our kids are growing well and don’t worry too much about going out to the official explanation today.”

At the same time, Park Eun-seok responded to netizens who first raised the suspicion of sending pet dogs to the online community, “I am embarrassed by this situation in which I have to clarify the false remarks of people who do not know the real name of the alumni and who do not know. “I will go out” and expressed an uncomfortable appearance.

Park Eun-seok / Photo = Hankyung DB

Park Eun-seok / Photo = Hankyung DB

Mr. A, who described himself as Park Eun-suk’s college classmate, said, “The alumni who inadvertently said that he changed the beagle into a small dog because his girlfriend didn’t like it, appeared on a one-person household program (‘I Live Alone’), with two cats and three months old. He insisted that it’s real because he says he has a puppy

He also said, “It’s a reward for the result because it’s my own effort, but I really don’t want to do the animal love performance.”

Netizens who encountered the article assumed that this celebrity was Park Eun-suk, and requested clarification through Park Eun-seok’s SNS. There are also speculations about whether it is an animal hoarder. An animal horror refers to people who are too obsessed with collecting animals and who are closer to collecting animals than raising them. It is one of the types of animal cruelty.

Park Eun-seok was born in 1984 and graduated from college by immigrating to the United States, but returned to Korea at the age of 22 to realize his dream of becoming an actor.

Park Eun-seok-eun, who debuted in 2010 SBS drama’Athena: Goddess of War’, is a major actor in’The Secret of Village-Achiara’,’Wolgyesoo Tailor Shop Gentlemen’,’Legal Men and Women’,’Voice 2′,’Doctor Prisoner’. Appeared as. In 2020, the 10th year of his debut, he gained popularity as Guho-dong and Logan Lee of’Penthouse’.

As it became known that he gave up his permanent residency after being discharged from the military by appearing in’I Live Alone’, his popularity has soared, but the suspicion of dispatching a dog has arisen, and he is in trouble.

The following is the full text of Park Eun-seok’s fan cafe.

We apologize for the concern.

In the midst of a busy schedule, such controversy erupts, and there are too many things to be attacked at this time, right? It’s curious and tingling that this happens to me.

First of all, we apologize for worrying about our Eun residents in the Stone Age. Our kids are getting bigger. Official clarifications We’re going to go out today, so don’t worry.

Alumni (?) False remarks by people who do not know their real name and who do not know This situation that I have to clarify is embarrassing, but the conclusion is that other people are worried, so I will go to the official position. Thank you for your interest and affection all the time~ You will have a good day today~^^

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]
