Park Eun-seok sues for alimony before even going on’controversy over regular dismissal’

[엑스포츠뉴스 조혜진 기자] The news was reported that actor Park Eun-seok, who suffered an embarrassment due to the suspicion of routinely distributing companion animals, was accused of spreading false facts. Park Eun-seok said that he is “in legal action”, but it seems that his image is inevitable due to the continuous rumors.

On the 29th, a media reported that Park Eun-seok was sued on December 3 of last year in a lawsuit for alimony of the Seoul Northern District Law.

According to the report, Mr. A, who sued Park Eun-suk, claimed that Park Eun-suk spread false facts related to him in a group chat room where theater actors gathered in 2017, and that he was threatened not only with himself, but also his family, and claimed 5 million won for alimony.

When the news was delivered, the management company Hunus Entertainment announced on the 29th to Exsports News that “recently, we have confirmed the collection and are responding legally to the law firm.”

Park Eun-seok has previously stood at the center of controversy over suspicion of ruining pet animals. He appeared on MBC’s entertainment program’I Live Alone’ and revealed the sphinx cat Mohae and Mohany, and the golden retriever puppy Molly. After that, netizen A, who claimed to have known Park Eun-suk since college, mentioned Park Eun-suk’s words and actions related to animals in the past and expressed displeasure that he used animals for image management.

Subsequently, the controversy intensified as fans who had watched Park Eun-seok for a long time raised questions about the appearance of companion animals that appeared on his past SNS.

In response, Park Eun-seok denied Mr. A’s claim through his agency. However, as controversy continued over how other pets were sent to other places, Park Eun-seok said through social media, “I don’t want to deny dismissal. It is wrong to not take responsibility for one life until the end. I admit that the wrong thing is wrong. “There is,” he admitted to his fault.

He also added, “Through this opportunity, I have a different mindset and I am grateful to all those who reminded me of that part. I will try to show you a better image by working on what I did wrong in the past. I would like to get any advice from me.” However, even before the previous controversy went away, the news of the accusation was delivered, and the image was once again damaged.

Meanwhile, Park Eun-seok appears as scheduled in’I Live Alone’, which is broadcast on the 29th following the last broadcast. An official from’I Live Alone’ also informed Exsports News that “Park Eun-seok’s appearance will be broadcast without change.”

[email protected] / Photo=Ex Sports News DB, Park Eun-seok Instagram
