Park Eun-seok, successive rumors to legal battles (comprehensive)

Park Eun-seok / Photo = Seoul Economic Star DB

Actor Park Eun-seok, who emerged as a rising star through’Penthouse’, got caught up in a series of rumors and even went to a legal battle.

On the 29th, the agency Hunus Entertainment said, “We have recently received a complaint and confirmed the contents,” regarding Park Eun-seok’s accusation of defamation for the spread of false information, and “we will respond legally through a law firm.”

The suspicion of disseminating Park Eun-seok’s false information was raised in December last year. Mr. A, who filed a lawsuit for compensation for damages to Park Eun-seok, claimed that Park Eun-suk shared A’s photo and contact information in a group chat room in 2017, saying that Mr. A approaches actors in the name of casting director and exerts power.

At the time, Park Eun-suk dismissed the controversy by saying, “The argument of one party whose factual relationship is not clear,” and that “they have not yet received a collection. If a complaint comes out, we will respond legally.”

However, Mr. A’s argument is different. According to a media interview on the 29th, Park Eun-suk’s college senior, A, suffered from an intimidating message of unknown reason after an emotional conflict with Park Eun-suk in the past. Accordingly, after reporting to the police, Mr. A learned that the first distributor was Park Eun-seok after three years. Park Eun-suk’s management company first announced its intention to settle the agreement and proposed alimony, but after delaying solving the problem, Mr. A began a lawsuit.

Park Eun-seok suffered a controversy over the habitual dissemination of companion animals. When Park Eun-seok appeared on MBC’s’I Live Alone’ and the appearance of raising a Golden Retriever dog Molly and a sphinx cat, and raising a mother-in-law, Park Eun-seok raised suspicions about the whereabouts of the dogs, cats, and hedgehogs raised in the past. As a result, Park Eun-seok admitted and apologized, saying, “I do not want to deny Payang because it is wrong to not be held responsible until the end when the controversy continued.”

Meanwhile, Park Eun-seok’s portion of’I Live Alone’ aired on the 29th is expected to be broadcast normally.

/ Reporter Chu Seung-hyun [email protected]

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