Park Eun-seok is sued for 5 million won alimony

[매일경제 스타투데이 한현정 기자]

Actor Park Eun-seok was accused of disseminating false facts following the controversy over distributing companion animals. It is expected that both arguments will be mixed and it will be a court battle.

On the 29th, it became known that Park Eun-seok was sued in a lawsuit for alimony of the Seoul Northern District Law on December 3 last year.

Mr. A, who filed a 5 million won alimony lawsuit against Park Eun-suk, said, “Park Eun-suk spread false facts related to me in the group chat room where the theater actors gathered.

With this article, not only me, but also my family members were threatened, and it has been so painful until now.”

Mr. A said, “The way I did it to me was very similar to the response to the recent controversy.

Park Eun-seok claimed that he was not sued, but the complaint was filed.”

The conflict between Mr. A and Park Eun-seok was first announced last month. In July 2017, Park Eun-seok told A’s real name and phone number in the chat room of Kakao Talk, the theater group she was appearing in, “recently, there are people who claim to be’casting directors’ in Daehak-ro and approach actors from outside the concert hall.” It was disclosed, and Mr. A filed a lawsuit against Park Eun-seok to claim damages for spreading false information.

At the time, Park Eun-suk’s agency, Hunus Entertainment, said, “The fact is that the relationship is unclear,” and “it has not yet received a collection.”

Afterwards, Hunus Entertainment said, “I confirmed the possession and will respond by requesting a law firm” related to the report on the day.

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[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
