Park Cho-Rong never goes to the end saying it’s not a hakama vs. Kim’s not

  Group A Pink Park Chorong /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

Group A Pink Park Chorong /Photo = Ten Asia Photo DB

Group A Pink Park Cho-rong, 30, and Kim Mo, who alleges that he had suffered school violence, are in sharp confrontation, making conflicting arguments.

Previously, through an internet community, Kim posted an article claiming that Park Cho-rong had been assaulted on the street by Park Cho-rong and his friends. Mr. Kim insisted, “In the streets of Sachang-dong, Cheongju, he was beaten in the cheek by Park Cho-rong and assaulted by the crowd.”

In response, Park Cho-Rong’s management company confronted “It’s not true,” and said, “Mr. Kim threatened to assault the media with untrue assaults and facts and urged the entertainment industry to retire.” In the meantime, “Park Cho-rong had apologized for the part that made her feel uncomfortable in the process, and her relationship with Mr. A, whom she had been intimately interacted with, in the past,” he said. At the same time, it announced a legal response to Kim.

Afterwards, through the media, Mr. Kim revealed several pictures of Park Cho-rong drinking while he was in school. At the same time, he said, “Unlike the first time I contacted, I changed my words, saying,’When did I admit the assault?’ on the second call,” he said, saying, “If I don’t apologize, I will reveal the call transcript.”

On the 6th, Park Chorong revealed his position through his Instagram. Park Chorong admitted to the fact that he was drinking, and while bowing his head, he denied the suspicion of school abuse, saying, “I have never slapped him on the cheek, removed his clothes, or committed assault, as Kim claims.”

On the 7th, Kim released a transcript of a call with Park Cho-rong through a media outlet, and continued to disclose, saying that he confessed to the abuse. Through his SNS, Mr. Kim raised his voice, saying, “I was really astonished. Honestly, I was so creepy that I wanted to be a human being,” and said, “I, too, have a stronger mind to go to the end.”

Group A Pink's Park Chorong.  /Ten Asia DB

Group A Pink’s Park Chorong. /Ten Asia DB

However, Park Chorong’s agency dismissed the content as “distortion”. PlayM Entertainment said, “Mr. Kim extracted only a part of the transcript and distorted it maliciously,” and “(Kim’s) did not ask for details due to concerns of unexpected behavior, but only listened and apologized, but did not admit to the assault.”

The agency side emphasized that “we also have the 1st and 2nd transcripts,” and “we will release the transcripts if necessary.”

While Park Cho-rong and Kim’s claims are sharply mixed, fans are waiting for the clear truth to be revealed.

Reporter Ji-ye Choi [email protected]

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