Park Cho-rong, apologizing for drinking while underage Haggle controversy is denial of “innocent”[MK이슈]

Park Cho Rong.  Photo|Star Today DB

picture explanationPark Cho Rong. Photo|Star Today DB

[매일경제 스타투데이 박세연 기자]

Apink Park Cho-rong, 30, apologized for allegations of drinking while underage. However, he repeatedly denied the controversy over school violence, saying, “I never did that.”

On the 6th, Chorong Park said through his Instagram on the 6th, “I apologize for causing you to worry about drinking pictures when I was a minor.” I sincerely apologize without any excuses.”

However, regarding the controversy over the school violence, he repeatedly emphasized his innocence and expressed his feelings of controversy.

He said, “I have put in a lot of effort to communicate smoothly, but I am very sorry for not being able to do that.” He said.

Also, “I would like to say once again that I am innocent to the end regarding the misunderstood parts. I have never slapped, removed my clothes, or committed assault, as Mr. Kim claims.”

Previously, Park Chorong’s agency PlayM Entertainment said in an official press release, “The suspicion is a clear flaw. In fact, the relationship was corrected, but Mr. Kim consistently overturned the relationship.” He said that he had filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Kim at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul. Afterwards, Mr. Kim confronted that it had filed a complaint against Park Cho-rong on charges of innocence at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul.

Hello, this is Chorong Park.

Sorry to greet you for something bad.

First of all, prior to explaining the recent events, I apologize for any concerns you caused in relation to drinking pictures when I was a minor.

I hurt everyone who supported me because of my stupid and wrong behavior in my last childhood.

We sincerely apologize without any excuses.

What’s known recently began at the end of February and has been around for over a month.

I have put in a lot of effort to communicate smoothly, but I am very sorry for not being able to do that.

I read the reports and interviews related to me that were reported yesterday. Although it has become such a big deal because of each other’s misunderstandings, the memories of spending time playing with me and spending time with friends from elementary school to high school are still more painful and indescribably terrible.

However, as for the misunderstood parts, I would like to say once again that I am innocent to the end.

I have never been slammed, stripped, or assaulted as Kim claims.

In this regard, we will do our best to clarify our innocence based on the testimonies at the time and the transcript of the call with Mr. Kim.

Lastly, I hurt so much to the fans who supported and supported me for 10 years after my debut.

I was afraid that the words and actions I said sincerely would feel pretended by this incident, and I was also afraid that I would disappoint the fans who believe in me and support me.

I am sorry to all our members, our fans, the company, and all those who help me.

We ask for forgiveness for delivering this news to our fans and members on the 10th anniversary, and we bow our head and sincerely apologize.

[email protected]

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
