Park Chan-ho attends a memorial service for director La Soda… Mourning wearing a Dodgers uniform

Park Chan-ho following former Lasoda coach Woon-goo
Park Chan-ho following former Lasoda coach Woon-goo

Park Chan-ho (far left) is following a parade with his hands together at a memorial ceremony for former coach Tommy Lasoda of’Gunsa’ held at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California on the 20th (Korean time). [다저스 트위터 계정 캡처. 재배포 및 DB 금지]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Kim Gyeong-yoon = Korean Express Park Chan-ho (retired) attended a memorial ceremony for director Tommy Lasoda, who recently passed away, and prayed for the deceased.

American media Fox Los Angeles broadcasts, “The Dodgers team held a memorial ceremony for director La Soda at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California, USA on the 20th (Korean time).” I handed it over,” he said.

The memorial ceremony was attended by baseball players who played for La Soda, including Park Chan-ho, Eric Kerros, and Mickey Hatcher, former Los Angeles Angels coach Mike Socia, and former Boston Red Sox coach Bobby Valentine.

They wore a Dodgers uniform with coach Lasoda’s old number 2 on it and drove directly.

La Soda, who commanded the Dodgers for 21 years from 1976 to 1996, passed away on the 7th.

Park Chan-ho, who gave special affection to former director La Soda as’adopted sons’, lamented on his social network service account, saying, “I don’t know what words to express this sadness.”

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