Park Byung-seok’Mission Impossible’ Tom Cruise and’Surprise Meeting’ in Abu Dhabi

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Park Byung-seok’Mission Impossible’ Tom Cruise and’Surprise Meeting’ in Abu Dhabi

Representative Chihanpa actor… “I liked Korea and wanted to say hello”
Park Byung-seok “If you come to Korea, please contact me…I show full of affection for Korea”

(Abu Dhabi = News 1) Reporter Yoo Gyeong-seon |
2021-02-12 10:00 sent

On the afternoon of the 11th (local time), chairman of Parliament Byeong-seok Park, who is on a tour of the UAE, is welcoming Hollywood star Tom Cruise, who was in the same place, at a restaurant in Abu Dhabi. 2021.2.12/News1 © News1 Reporter Yoo Gyeong-seon

On the 11th (local time), Speaker Park Byeong-seok, who is visiting two countries in the Middle East, had a’surprise encounter’ with Hollywood actor Tom Cruise.

Chairman Park welcomed Tom Cruise, who visited him during dinner at a restaurant in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE) that afternoon.

The two’s encounter took place when actor Tom Cruise, who was eating at the same place, heard that the chairman of the National Assembly was present from Korea and asked for a meeting. Tom Cruise is a representative’jihanpa’ Hollywood star.

When the restaurant manager told Chairman Park, who was having a meal, “Tom Cruise wants to meet you”, Chairman Park stopped eating and responded happily to the meeting.

Tom Cruise, who met Chairman Park, showed affection and interest in Korea. He said with a polite attitude, “I must have been to Korea more than 20 times,” and “(Korea) is an amazing place, and I really like Korea and wanted to greet you.”

Chairman Park, who introduced himself as “the chairman of the Korean National Assembly,” asked Tom Cruise to “call me when he comes to Korea,” and Tom Cruise replied that he would.

As member Kim Hyeong-dong of the tour group, who was having a meal together, shouted “Mission Impossible”, Tom Cruise smiled and replied, “The movie currently being filmed in the country is’Mission Impossible’.” Tom Cruise reported that he is working on the shooting schedule for the desert scene of’Mission Impossible 7’locally.

Tom Cruise responded to the tour group’s request to take a photo one by one. Chairman Park said, “The love for Korea seemed overflowing.”

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