Park Byung-Seok “Appointment of the Speaker of the National Assembly is Not Desirable, National Integration is Needed”

Parliamentary Speaker Park Byung-seok distanced himself that it was not desirable to comment as legislative head of the pardon of former President Lee Myung-bak Park Geun-hye (the arrest prosecution), who aggravated the controversy over the New Year. At the same time, Chairman Park insisted on establishing a National Integration Committee, emphasizing the need for national integration.

At a New Year press conference held by the National Assembly Speaker on the 6th, Chairman Park responded to an inquiry from Yonhap News TV asking for plans to promote the former president’s pardon, “It is desirable to make public comments as the head of the legislature on the right to pardon the president’s own right under the constitution. It is not the position.”

However, Chairman Park emphasized more on the’national integration’, which the Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon mentioned as the background for the amnesty proposal. He said, “The goal of our social camp is too deep and in an excessive state of ideology.” He denies the legitimacy of a democratically born government based on the candlelight spirit, while seeing the other party as an object of overthrow, not competition and cooperation. There is even energy,” he explained. Chairman Park said, “I have a deep concern that I can move forward only when national integration is achieved,” and said, “I will form a National Integration Committee under the direct control of the chairman of the National Assembly.” He insisted, “I expect respected personnel to come in and present a furnace that melts the conflict with various opinions.”

Chairman Park raised the theory of reforming the constitution and electoral system, saying that the ultimate institutionalization of national integration lies in the amendment. “When the power structure is reorganized and the division of power is achieved, conflicts in our society can be reduced,” he said. “It is difficult to properly reflect opposition and a minority of public opinion with an all-or-nothing system that takes everything with even one more vote. I said. Chairman Park said, “It is necessary to disperse power through the constitutional amendment, and in order to properly reflect various voices when the National Assembly brings part of its powers, it is necessary to have a system with seats as much as the votes are obtained.” “Do it.”

I also argued that the discussion on the improvement of the personnel system, where the verification of morality was not disclosed and only the verification of policy was disclosed, has not progressed between the opposition parties. In response to the reporter’s inquiry from the Segye Ilbo, he said, “Just because the morality verification is closed does not mean that it will loosen the standards or ask (suspect) and (go). Because it is private, we can ask for more data and do a more thorough and strict verification. I can do it.” He said that it was shocking, and he was told that he chose a minister for a ministry, but even though he recommended it to 40 people, he could not find it, and even the incumbent vice minister refused. In addition, he insisted, “There must be a sincere discussion and consensus whether the reality that 40 or so people refuse to choose a minister is right.” If it is a matter of the position of the opposition parties, he also suggested that it be applied from the time of the next president. However, if it is a problem that only 40 people die, it is questionable whether the government’s manpower pool is a problem and whether the system is to blame.

▲ National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok is holding a New Year's press conference through video at the National Assembly on the morning of the 6th.  Photo = KBS video capture
▲ National Assembly Speaker Park Byung-seok is holding a New Year’s press conference through video at the National Assembly on the morning of the 6th. Photo = KBS video capture

In addition, in response to a question from the Diet News 24 reporter that the chief official of the high-ranking officials criminal investigation office (the chief of public prosecution) was concerned about omnipotent power due to the lack of checks, Chairman Park said that he called for the neutral operation of the air-investigation department. Chairman Park said, “I think it should be operated in a fair and politically neutral manner in accordance with the spirit of the law and the will of the people,” and said, “We believe that there will be no problems with the legal procedural legitimacy of the recommendation of the Minister of Public Affairs.” Chairman Park said that he did not know the Minister of Public Transport, but he believed that he would have become a person with competence and fairness, and expects to reveal a sound operation that conforms to the will of the people with neutrality and legal spirit.

At the same time, in response to an inquiry from a reporter from the Seoul newspaper on inter-Korean relations, Chairman Park stressed that the inter-Korean relations should be improved in the lead, and that a consensus of the people is necessary. In particular, regarding the proposal of the inter-Korean parliamentary talks, Chairman Park said, “There have been many meaningful agreements between the two Koreas, and if it was done, we could raise the level of inter-Korean reconciliation and exchange and cooperation, and lay the foundation for national homogeneity. Couldn’t. “This is because the South Korean National Assembly did not agree to ratify the important agreement between the two Koreas between the two Koreas.” He said, “To make the South and North Koreans sustainable, it requires the consent and ratification of the National Assembly, and I will emphasize this point to the North Korean authorities.” He said, “As the chairman of the National Assembly, we will meet and discuss anytime, anywhere, without condition, to improve the national issue of inter-Korean relations. We restate that we can.

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