Park Bum-gye refused to answer the suspicion of’Won·申 Passing’…野 “Arrogant Chumi Love Season 2”

National Assembly Judiciary Committee Prosecutor’s Personnel Inspector

野, 文 Let’s ask the truthfulness of the announcement

Bum-gye Park “I have never done anything illegal or overtaking”

“Several consultations” over controversy over passing by Min Jeong-suk

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye answers inquiries at a general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Council held at the National Assembly on the 22nd. / Reporter Kwon Wook

At the National Assembly’s Legislative Judicial Committee, Justice Minister Park Bum-gye held a battle over the suspicion of skipping President Shin Hyun-soo and President Moon Jae-in and presenting the prosecution’s greetings. When Minister Park refused to answer the questions of the Judiciary Committee members, saying, “We cannot provide specific answers,” the opposition lawmakers “are arrogant. Chumiae season 2” he criticized. Minister Park attended the plenary meeting of the judiciary committee on the 22nd and said, “We cannot give a concrete answer to a high-ranking prosecutor on the 7th when the suspicion of’passing the president’ arose. I will replace the contents announced by the Blue House.”

Members of the Power of the People asked whether it was true that President Moon approved the prosecution personnel on the 8th, the day after the Ministry of Justice announced the prosecution personnel on the 7th. According to Article 34 (1) of the Prosecutors’ Office Act, the prosecutor’s office must be approved by the President at the request of the Minister of Justice. Minister Park replied, “I cannot tell you about the situation in detail,” to the question of Rep. Jeon Ju-hye, Rep. Jeon Ju-hye, whether he received approval from the President on the 7th for the prosecutor’s greeting. He continued, “Please tell us if you reported your greetings directly to the president, and when you did it. The next day (announced the prosecution’s greetings), if the approval was raised, it would be a serious oversight and illegal,” said Cho Su-jin, a member of the People’s Power, saying, “I have not committed any excess or illegal. When Rep. Cho asked again, “Did you directly report to the President?”, Minister Park refused to answer.

Accordingly, Rep. Kim Do-eup, a secretary of the opposition judiciary committee, pointed out to Minister Park that “I can not speak consistently, and I am not even arrogant.” Rep. Je-won Jang raised his voice as “(If the passing of the President is true) the flag is disordered,” and Congressman Yoo Sang-beom criticized it as “Chumiae Season 2”. When the opposition party loudly protested Park’s response attitude, the Democratic Party lawmakers also confronted them, saying, “Ask a questionable question.”

However, Minister Park evolved the theory of conflict with the Blue House by saying that he had discussed several times with Shin Min Jeong-suk regarding personnel at the prosecutor’s office. In this regard, Minister Park explained, “I met with Chief Min Jeong several times.”

Minister Park also expressed a willingness not to reflect the opinion of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol in future prosecution personnel. Regarding the provisions for listening to opinions with the Prosecutor General as stipulated in the Prosecutors’ Office Act, Minister Park said, “I worked at the Blue House until the provisions were inserted in 2004, and (I) knew the history well, and President Moon, who was then chief civilian at the time, knew very well. “(Article) is a lower level expression than consultation, and (until now) it is customary to reflect the opinion of the prosecutor general in some cases.”

/ Reporter Gyeo-woo Koo [email protected]

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