Park Bum-gye received special order for reform of the prosecution to catch “Suk-yeol Yoon”

Democratic Party lawmaker Park Bum-gye, who was nominated as a candidate for the Minister of Justice, makes his impressions at the National Assembly Hall on the 30th. Reporter Oh Dae-geun.

Park Bum-gye (57), who was nominated as a candidate for the Minister of Justice on the 30th, and Democratic Party lawmakers were also’reform of the prosecution’. At a press conference in the National Assembly, he said, “I believe that (prosecution reform) should be done while listening to the voices of the people.” “I am nominated as a candidate in a severe situation, so I have a heavy shoulder.”

It was interpreted to mean that it would accurately reach the final goal of reforming the prosecution with an attitude of “listening” to public opinion and sometimes opposing voices so as not to follow the “severe situation” caused by Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae, who pushed the prosecution reform somewhat excessively.

Candidate Park is a former judge. Regarding the establishment of relations with the prosecution, “President Moon Jae-in has said that the Ministry of Justice and the prosecution should have a stable cooperative relationship, and through that, we have to achieve the prosecution reform.” First, he professed that he would not make a harsh bursting sound like Minister Chu.

Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol (left) and Rep. Park Beom-gye share inquiries and answers at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s national audit held at the National Assembly on October 22nd. yunhap news

Born in Yeongdong, Chungbuk in 1963, Candidate Park is three years younger than Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol, but he is the 23rd class member of the Judicial Research and Training Institute. At one time, it was between hohyeonghoje. In November 2013, during the Park Geun-hye administration, when Yoon, who was then head of the Yeoju branch of Gyeonggi Province, was disciplined for the NIS comment investigation, Candidate Park told the Social Network Service (SNS), “Suk-yeol Yoon! The reality of the Korean prosecutors’ office, which has no choice but to call his brother a righteous prosecutor, is very sad,” he wrote.

A cold air flows between the two recently entered. Candidate Park criticized “Yun Seok-yeol’s justice is a selective justice” toward President Yoon, who is investigating the Moon Jae-in administration without hesitation at a state administration audit in October. “Sit upright,” shouted. Director Yoon said, “Did you not like me in the past?”

Nevertheless, it is the expectation of the Party that the relationship between’Park Beom-gye and Yoon Seok-yeol’ will be better than’Chu Mi-ae and Yoon Seok-yeol’. Candidate Park spared his comments, saying, “I’ll tell you later” to reporters’ questions about Yoon.

Candidate Park graduated from Yonsei University Law School and has been a judge since 1994. In 2002, he took off his legal uniform to join the presidential camp of former President Roh Moo-hyun, and served as the 2nd secretary for civil affairs and legal secretary at the Blue House. At the time, the Blue House Chief Min Jeong was President Moon. In the Democratic Party, it is classified as’an enthusiastic pro-personal repatriation’ and’strong’. It means that President Moon believed and entrusted the challenge of completing the prosecution reform.

He was elected from Seo-gu, Daejeon in the 19th and 21st general elections, and was elected as a 3rd member of the parliament. In the last presidential election, he served as the head of the camp situation for President Moon.

Although it is evaluated for possessing both legal expertise and momentum, there are cases where it has come to the fore by mistake. Last month, during the national audit of the National Assembly’s Legislative and Judicial Committee, the Supreme Court Justice Cho Jae-yeon, head of the court administration, said, “(If you want to get a budget),’Remembers, please save me once’.”

Seongtaek Lee reporter

Jo So-jin reporter

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