Park Beom-gye’s new detonator…野 “Special relationship with LKB in charge of the case of Kim Kyung-soo and Lee Jae-myeong”

On the morning of the 6th, a candidate for Justice Minister Park Beom-gye attends the Seoul High Prosecutors' Office, where the office for the preparation of a personnel hearing is located, answering questions from reporters.  yunhap news

On the morning of the 6th, a candidate for Justice Minister Park Beom-gye attends the Seoul High Prosecutors’ Office, where the office for the preparation of a personnel hearing is located, answering questions from reporters. yunhap news

The relationship between Park Bum-gye (58), a candidate for Justice Minister candidate and law firm LKB&Partners (LKB), is emerging as another focus of the personnel hearing.

According to the politics and legal circles, Candidate Park is a close friend of LKB Lee Kwang-beom (62, 13th Judicial Research and Training Institute) representative lawyer, who was formerly the chairman of the liberal judiciary’s association, the Korean Law Research Association. Candidate Park said in his autobiography published in January 2008, “(Our Law Research Society) was led by seniors such as Park Si-hwan, Kim Jong-hoon, Kang Geum-sil, and Lee Kwang-beom.” I brought it.”

In the case of the Moon Jae-in administration, LKB was in charge of criminal cases related to passport personnel, including former Minister Cho Kook and his wife, Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-soo, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung, and former Environment Minister Kim Eun-kyung. An attorney from a former chief prosecutor “LKB is sweeping the major criminal cases in Seocho-dong these days”He said, “It is as dominant as Kim & Chang in this government.” “LKB is Kim & Chang of the left,” said a lawmaker who was formerly a lawmaker.

Lee Yong-gu (57/23), who was recently caught in controversy over assault by taxi drivers, also came from be. He served as a lawyer for former Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Baek Woon-gyu, a suspect in the prosecution’s investigation into the Wolseong nuclear power plant, right before his appointment as vice minister of the Ministry of Justice. Earlier, immediately after the Moon Jae-in administration was inaugurated, he served as the first non-prosecutor formerly head of the Justice Department’s Justice Department.

Candidate Park was the 23rd classmate of the Judicial Research and Training Institute and first made a relationship with Lee in 1992, 29 years ago. In this regard, Candidate Park said in his book, “A trainee named Yong-gu Lee visited me, and asked me to become editor-in-chief, saying that I am the oldest among the trainees who joined the editorial department of the (training institute). There was a meeting of friends who practiced and pondered. Lee Yong-gu was the chairman of the meeting,” recalling the first meeting at the time.

Vice Minister of Justice Lee Yong-gu is attending the First Subcommittee on Legislation and Judicial Review held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 6th.  Vice Minister Lee from LKB is a candidate for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye and the 23rd motive of the Judicial Research and Training Institute.  News 1

Vice Minister of Justice Lee Yong-gu is attending the First Subcommittee on Legislation and Judicial Review held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 6th. Vice Minister Lee from LKB is a candidate for Justice Minister Park Bum-gye and the 23rd motive of the Judicial Research and Training Institute. News 1

LKB also served as a defense for a lawsuit involving candidate Park. In September 2018, lawyer Kim So-yeon, who was a member of the Daejeon City Council, revealed that “I was forced to finance illegal elections during local elections by Rep. Park Beom-gye.” All of Park’s aides, who were indicted for violating the Public Office Election Act at the time, were sentenced to imprisonment by the court.

In the process, Candidate Park apologized for the involvement of his aide, but dismissed the possibility of his involvement. Attorney Kim filed a lawsuit for claiming damages worth 100 million won, stating that he damaged his reputation by spreading false information. LKB, including lawyer Lee Kwang-beom, was the legal representative of candidate Park for Song-sa Lee. In addition, there is a lawyer who is currently affiliated with LKB as an aide to the National Assembly of Candidate Park.

Therefore, it is pointed out that there is a possibility of a conflict of interest due to the special relationship between Candidate Park and a specific large law firm in the opposition. Rep. Kim Woong, a former chief prosecutor, said, “The Minister of Justice is a place where not only can the Minister of Justice command the prosecutor general, but also exert a powerful influence on pardons, suspension of execution, and parole.” “If the Minister is in a close relationship with LKB, will all the investigators and inmates visit LKB and entrust their case?”Pointed out. Rep. Kim criticized that “the prosecution, the main subject of the Ministry of Justice, is in a position to fight against a lawyer, and a situation similar to the one in which the Korean-Japanese soccer referees are entrusted to the Japanese side may arise.”

野 “Appointment withdrawal is the answer”

In the opposition, voices demanded the withdrawal of the appointment of candidate Park, who was caught in controversy over various assaults. Public Power Spokesman Yoon Hee-seok said through a comment, “Candidate Park has a lot of scandals, such as omission of property reports of public officials, sale and donation of bargains to relatives of malls and buildings owned by his spouse, assault suspicion of high school student, and his condoning of the money-and-for-money case by his close friends.” “Inappropriate personnel are just someone in the state affairs themselves. The withdrawal of appointment is the answer.”

Rep. Park Dae-chul of the People’s Power said on his Facebook page on the day that “(Candidate Park) is because of’cannot tolerate the rising temper,’ or’the relationship with assault’ is exceptionally large.” The arrest warrant was dismissed, the controversy over the assault of a student at the time of the National Assembly, and the National Assembly is being tried on charges of assault.” He said, “If you become a minister, who will you defeat?”

Reporter Kijeong Kim [email protected]
