Park Beom-gye blamed for the LH incident, Yoon Seok-yeol… Kim Jong-min “Confession of playing with the motherland”

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye is on the morning of the 11th to work at the Gwacheon Government Office of the Gyeonggi Province Ministry of Justice.  News 1

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye is on the morning of the 11th to work at the Gwacheon Government Office of the Gyeonggi Province Ministry of Justice. News 1

As public opinion deteriorated due to land speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH), Justice Minister Park Beom-gye brought up a’prosecutor’s responsibility theory’ two days afterward. In addition, the Minister of Justice, who also served as a member of the Democratic Party, is stepping up with the offensive “to blame the prosecution” and “to blame Yun Seok-yeol” of the passport to divert public opinion angry about LH speculation.

In the legal world, it is pointed out, “What did the homeland civil affairs chief and civil administration secretary Lee Kwang-cheol do?” “Spitting in my face”.

Beom-gye Park “Chu Mi-ae, orders Yoon Seok-yeol to crack down on real estate speculation”

On the morning of the 12th, Minister Park met with reporters on the way to work at the Gwacheon Government Complex and said, “On July 21 of last year, former Minister of Justice Chu Mi-ae (Ministry of Justice) told the Prosecutor General (Suk-yeol Yoon) a strict crackdown and investigation of real estate speculators, and a thorough return of illegal profits. I ordered,” he said.

Reporters immediately asked,’Is it that the prosecution did not follow the order properly?’ and asked, “Please take a look at it in the media.” Former President Yoon implied that he had not properly followed the orders of Minister Choo.

Minister Park added, “The prosecution and prosecutors across the country will have a lot of roles to play in relation to the LH incident,” he added. “It does not end as a one-off, and we must continue to play a role in relation to real estate speculation.”

Minister Park also publicly raised the prosecution’s responsibility the day before in relation to the LH incident. In a telephone interview with TBS Radio’Kim Eo-Jun’s News Factory’ on the 11th, he pointed out, “The story of the 3rd new town has been around since 2018, and speculation in real estate or apartments has already been a problem 2-3 years ago. I can’t help but,” he said.

Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae leaves the government building after the resignation ceremony held at the government's Gwacheon government building on the afternoon of January 27, getting out of the vehicle near the main gate and crying as a greeting to supporters.  yunhap news

Justice Minister Chu Mi-ae leaves the government building after the resignation ceremony held at the government’s Gwacheon government building on the afternoon of January 27, getting out of the vehicle near the main gate and crying as a greeting to supporters. yunhap news

It is true that the Ministry of Justice instructed the prosecution in July last year to respond strictly to illegal real estate speculation. At that time, when public opinion about the surge in house prices worsened, Minister Chu also jumped into the real estate debate.

Minister Choo told Facebook at the time, “Since the era of the development dictatorship of Park Chung-hee, corrupt powers and chaebols have collided to dig the land and attracted the financial sector, resulting in a deformed economic system in which finance and real estate were inseparable.” Separation theory’ (separation of finance and real estate) was also proposed.

Mainstream economists interpreted it as a move according to political purposes, saying, “It is an absurd claim that cannot be made in capitalism,” said Choo’s argument, which emerged from the reality that ordinary people could not afford a home without financial loans.

Hong Young-pyo “Suk-yeol Yoon, can’t catch LH speculation with the right to investigate”

Hong Young-pyo, former Democratic Party leader, and Democratic Party lawmakers also blamed the LH crisis on Yun. In an interview with KBS Radio’Choi Management’s Strongest Preview’, Congressman Hong criticized former President Yun, saying, “We couldn’t catch one of these structural LH speculations that received public opinion like this with the prosecution’s investigative powers and only went out with politics.” did.

Inside and outside the prosecution, there is a reaction that says, “It’s embarrassing.” An official at the prosecution said, “At the time of 2018, the LH case did not occur and there was no accusation.” They are talking differently,” he pointed out.

Attorney Kim Jong-min “Self-confessed that Korea and Lee Kwang-cheol played and ate”

Jongmin Kim attorney.  yunhap news

Jongmin Kim attorney. yunhap news

Attorney Kim Jong-min, who served as the head of the Gwangju District Prosecutor’s Office, pointed out that what Minister Park Bum-gye referred to in 2018 was spit in my face.

Attorney Kim told Facebook, “In the early days of the Moon Jae-in regime, the head of the civil administration was Choguk and Lee Kwang-cheol were civil affairs secretaries.” The responsibility was with Korea and Lee Kwang-cheol,” he wrote. He added, “It was the Moon Jae-in administration who said what he was doing when the prosecutors had the right to investigate for the past three years, and that the chief father of Korea and secretary Lee Kwang-cheol played and ate,” he added.

Reporter Kang Kwang-woo [email protected]
