P2P loan scam… Deceiving 900 employees, including office workers and housewives, to invest 5.2 billion won

An online platform loan company (P2P) management team that attracted more than 900 investors with false investment products and deprived of 5.2 billion won was prosecuted.

On the 11th, the Seoul Northern District Prosecutors’ Office arrested A (37), a former representative of a P2P platform lending company, on charges of fraud and embezzlement in business, and arrested B (39), the incumbent representative.

The two signed a collusion to post a false investment product on a P2P lending site and intercepted with an investment of 52.28 million won over 1394 times from about 900 victims. In addition, Mr. B used the principal and interest of the loan repaid from the borrower of the loan 22 times and used 987.75 million won as the company’s operating capital.

They announced on the loan site that’they are planning to borrow to real estate owners and use them as money for new real estate purchases, and that collateral is secured by establishing a root mortgage on the business site. However, the real estate business owner was A’s family, and the 70 million won that was invested was used for the company’s operating expenses.

It also posted that’investment funds are loaned to borrowers and used as funds related to the row houses and commercial district sales projects’, but in reality, no pledge was established at all.

The amount of damage to fraud increased as the company said that it would be loaned to a publicly disclosed company, and continued to collect investment money by using the so-called “rollback” used as loans or repayment funds for existing products.

For this loan investment, the limit of one investment is between 100,000 and 20 million won, and most of the victims were ordinary citizens, including office workers, housewives, and prospective campers. It is a crime that exploits the difficulty of checking separate information other than the information posted on the website.

A prosecution official said, “We will respond strictly to the crimes of multiple people’s livelihoods through cooperation with the police and financial supervisory service.”

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
