‘Overwhelming SON’ selected as KOTM for WBA… 7th of the season

'Overwhelming SON', selected as KOTM for WBA...  Season 7

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] Son Heung-min (Tottenham Hotspur), who reported the 13th goal of the season, was selected as the best player against Albion in West Bromwich.

Tottenham beat West Bromwich 2-0 in the 23rd round of the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2020/21 season held at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on the 7th (Korean time). Tottenham reached 8th place with 36 points.

The West Bromwich match was an important match for Tottenham and Son Heung-min. On the 29th of last month, Tottenham knelt at Brighton and Chelsea in a row, starting with Liverpool. Victory was absolutely necessary for the rise of the ranks and reversal of the mood.

Son Heung-min also had to escape from goal silence. Son Heung-min, who boasted fierce momentum at the beginning of the season, did not score in five EPL matches after having tasted a goal against Leeds United on the 2nd of last month. It was time for a rebound.

Son Heung-min, who started as the left attacker of 4-2-3-1 on this day, played the pitch with an active movement. There was no big opportunity in the first half, but at the beginning of the second half, we had a chance. In the first minute of the second half, Son Heung-min, who received a penetration pass by Harry Kane, shot a left-footed shot from the left side of the box but was blocked by goalkeeper Johnston.

Sohn Heung-min’s goal didn’t take long after finishing the zero point. In the 13th minute counterattack situation in the second half, ahead of Kane’s opening goal, Lucas Moura’s pass and a powerful right-footed shot cut the net. It was the 13th EPL goal and a valuable goal after six games.

Son Heung-min led the team to victory by focusing on the defense until the second half of the time was replaced with Dane Scarlet. Son Heung-min, who played the pitch for 92 minutes, performed remarkable activities such as three effective shots and one key pass, and Tottenham escaped the pit of a third straight victory with a victory against West Bromwich.

Son Heung-min, who made a big success, was selected as the best player in the game. The EPL Secretariat selects KOTM (King Of The Match) through fan voting on the official website after each match. 19,638 people participated in this vote, and Son Heung-min received overwhelming support of 80.3% (about 15,769 people). Kane in second place was 13.1%.

On the other hand, Tottenham, who has grown in the mood, will clash with Everton on the 11th for a ticket to the FA Cup quarterfinals.

[email protected] / Photo = EPL Secretariat

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