Overeating during the Lunar New Year’s holiday,’quick fat’ should be removed within 2 weeks


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During the Lunar New Year holidays, the so-called’quickly steamed fat’, a so-called’quickly steamed fat,’ that gains weight due to eating a lot of fatty and salty food and alcohol, should be reduced within two weeks. After two weeks, it becomes more difficult to subtract.

This is because facial swelling or abdominal bloating caused by short-term overeating is a different problem than the enlarged or stretched fat cells.

According to the medical community on the 15th, it is highly likely that the sudden increase in fat is not a sudden increase in fat, but a temporary increase in glycogen, a polysaccharide in the body.

If you eat more carbohydrates than usual in a short period of time, the remaining energy is absorbed by the liver or muscle tissue in the form of glycogen.

This causes bloating and increases the number of scales.

There is also an opinion that this temporarily increased glycogen is decomposed more quickly than fat, so just returning to the usual diet will naturally fall. However, this is a common story within ‘2 weeks’ when glycogen turns into body fat.

“Glycogen falls out more easily than fat, but after two weeks of accumulation in the body, it turns into body fat, making it difficult to manage,” said Son Bodri, the head of the Gangnam Head Office, and advised that it should not be left unattended.

It is better to exercise the appropriate intensity for the individual, rather than overcoming the exercise that was not done just because the weight suddenly increased. If you get hurt, you may be in a situation where you are neglecting your weight gain while recovering.

Accordingly, after the holidays, it is good to avoid excessively fatty foods and increase physical activity by eating a meal consisting of high protein and low calorie foods.

President Son said, “It is good to consume plenty of potassium-rich vegetables and water, such as ssam vegetables and greens, to release sodium,” he said. “After doing aerobic exercise such as cycling and running for 20 seconds at full speed, take a short break and leave it. It’s helpful to do it again.”


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