“Overcoming the theory of evolution and discord” Ham So-won expressed his feelings that “it is too difficult because it is an official.”

Ham So-won expressed a hard feeling as a public figure.

On the 22nd, Ham So-won captured and released a direct message (DM) exchanged with fans on Instagram. Those who have been struggling know that they are struggling, those who have been in pain know the pain, and those who see hope in difficult situations can succeed. We have seen it hurt, suffered, and even if it was cold, but now we look forward to a good spring day. When spring comes, flowers bloom, and Corona goes, we must meet, right? Pavit Club”.

In the DM he released, a fan said, “There are a lot of difficult people around these days. I am one of them,” he said. “Since my sister is the same person as us, I am upset because I think she is hurt too much for being a public figure. Still, there are a lot of people who support and support her more, so please do your best.”

So-won Ham sent a long reply. He said, “It is very difficult to be a certified person. Originally, humans are lacking, mistakes, failures, and then progress and maturity, but it is true that sometimes public figures feel completely unacceptable.”

Ham So-won continued, “I thought about how many perfect humans would be if anyone observes with a 24-hour camera. Nevertheless, if you come to me like you, give me hope, comfort me, and even laugh, it will melt my heart like a forsythia blooms after winter, and it melts like snow.”

He said, “In the future, Sowon Ham will make mistakes and fail again. Don’t forget and ask for courage every time. I will continue to reflect and mature again. Please contact me again when you have a hard time feeling. I was sick at that time, so I will understand and comfort you.”

On the other hand, Ham So-won made a reconciliation with the evolution of her Chinese husband, who is 18 years younger than her husband. In addition, in January, during the live broadcast of Instagram, Kimchi was criticized for calling it’pao chai’. Recently, he appeared on a YouTube channel and surprised him that he was considering immigrating to Vietnam.

Kim Im-soo Editor: [email protected]
