Overcoming the pain of “Alone, Lonely Legacy”… Queen Markle’s second pregnancy

Prince Harry and Queen Meghan Markle of England announced the pregnancy of their second child. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Prince Harry and Queen Meghan Markle of England announced the pregnancy of their second child. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Prince Harry (37) and Meghan Markle (40), who came out of the British royal family and started a new life in the United States, officially announced that they were pregnant with their second child.

According to foreign media such as the New York Times (NYT) on the 14th (local time), a spokesman for the couple said, “(First) Arch Harrison has a younger brother.” “Prince Harry and Princess Meghan Markle are also very happy.” In the black and white photo released with the statement, Queen Markle touched the ship while lying on the legs of Prince Harry under a tree. However, the expected date of birth and the gender of the baby were not mentioned.

Photograph of Prince Harry and Princess Markle Meghan taken by photographer Misan Harriman. [미산 해리먼 인스타그램]

Photograph of Prince Harry and Prince Markle Meghan, taken by photographer Misan Harriman. [미산 해리먼 인스타그램]

Misan Harriman, a photographer who took the picture released that day, wrote on Twitter, saying, “It’s an honor to record the moment when the love of the two grows,” and “congratulations on the good news.” The BBC said, “All of the British royal families wished the baby and the couple good luck.”

The baby to be born will be ranked 8th in the British throne. As a result, Queen Elizabeth II saw her 10th great-grandchild after the first son of her granddaughter, Princess Eugene, on the 9th (local time). Princess Eugenie is the daughter of the queen’s youngest son Prince Andrew to her ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, and is ranked 10th on the throne.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding. [로이터=연합뉴스]

The news of Queen Markle’s pregnancy is particularly welcoming because she confessed her miscarriage in an article to NYT last November. He confessed, “After changing the diaper for the first arch in July of last year, I felt severe cramps in my stomach.” He also confessed that “I had to mourn alone and alone,” referring to a social atmosphere that considered it taboo to speak out publicly. Queen Markle is gender equal and has an honest voice on human rights issues.

In January of last year, Prince Harry and his wife declared that they would relocate to North America with the responsibilities and privileges of the British royal family. After Princess Markle complained of pain due to the invasion of privacy of the paparazzi who reports not only the person but also the family’s every move. Prince Harry said it was a decision made by overlapping the internal conflict of the royal family. Later, he settled in Canada and then settled in Santa Barbara, California, USA. Recently, she won a lawsuit against a media outlet for reporting a letter from Queen Markle to her father.

Prince Harry and Queen Meghan Markle are holding their son Arch. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Prince Harry and Queen Meghan Markle are holding their son Arch. [로이터=연합뉴스]

Financially independent from the royal family, they founded the charity’Archewell’ and established the podcast company’Archewell Audio’. It plans to launch a formal series from this year by signing a contract with a music streaming company. The couple appeared in a podcast at the end of last year with their son’s Arch, conveying the New Year’s greetings, and revealed their son’s voice.

Reporter Kim Sun-mi [email protected]
