Over time 53 new wins in Barcelona Granada King’s Cup semi-final advance

Griezmann, 2 goals and 2 assists

Barcelona win 5-3 over time in Granada…  King's Cup semi-final advance

Spanish professional football FC Barcelona went on to win the King’s Cup (Copa del Rey) semi-final after 8 goals exchanged between Granada and overtime.

Barcelona won 5-3 in the 2020-2021 Copa del Rey quarterfinal game held at Los Carmenes in Granada, Spain on the 4th (Korean time), playing until overtime with Granada 2-2.

Copa del Rey’s most winning team (30 innings) Barcelona was caught by Athletic Bilbao in the quarter-finals last season and stopped marching to the finals for six consecutive years.

Barcelona, ​​with Antoine Griezmann, Lionel Messi, and Franciscu Tringcan, scored a goal in a row to Kennedy in the 33rd minute and Roberto Soldado in the second minute and scored no goals until the end of the second half, and the defeat was thickened.

However, in the 43rd minute of the second half, Messi’s cross was pushed in by Griezmann to trigger the chase, followed by a heading equalizer by Hordi Alba in the second half of the second half, leading to overtime.

Barcelona win 5-3 over time in Granada…  King's Cup semi-final advance

Barcelona managed to overturn the charter by adding one goal with a header by Griezmann in the 10th minute of extra time, but they conceded with a penalty kick after 3 minutes and could not keep the lead long.

However, in the 3rd minute of 3-3 overtime in Barcelona, ​​Frenki Theyong scored a goal again, and in the 8th minute of extra time, Alba’s wedge gun exploded, which made it difficult to get a ticket to the semi-finals.

Griezmann took the lead in a reverse win by scoring multiple goals and assisting both of Alba’s goals.

In the other quarter-finals held that day, Levante beat Villarreal 1-0 in the overtime and reached the semi-finals.

The balance of 0 continued to reach the end of the second half of the 15th minute, and the final goal of Roher Marti split the game.

The other day, with Sevilla coming to the semi-finals the day before, the remaining teams from the quarterfinals will be decided in a confrontation between Real Betis and Athletic Bilbao on the 5th.

/yunhap news

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