Over 20,000 vaccinations… 112 adverse reactions, mostly mild


Today (1st day), pickled in 3.1, will be vaccinated for corona19 for the fourth day. The number of vaccinations officially counted so far has exceeded 20,000. After getting the vaccine, 112 people had adverse reactions such as headache or nausea, most of them mild symptoms.

This is Song Woo-young.


By 0:00 a.m. yesterday, 2,322 people have been vaccinated nationwide.

The Pfizer vaccination started yesterday, and 300 people received the AstraZeneca vaccine.

The number of vaccinations from over 19,000 on the first day fell to 1,200 on Saturday.

In the case of holidays, many health centers and nursing hospitals have temporarily stopped vaccination due to the lack of medical personnel who can respond to emergency situations.

For this reason, the number of vaccinations is expected to be few even today, section 3.1.

After vaccination, 112 reports of adverse reactions were received from across the country until 0 am yesterday.

According to the quarantine authorities, most of them complained of common symptoms after vaccination, such as headache, fever, and nausea.

There have been no reports of serious damage to concern.

Experts advise that it is important to describe your condition in detail to your healthcare provider when getting the vaccine.

If you have a fever or have a severe cough, it is a good idea to notify your healthcare provider and delay the vaccination.

If you have recently had any other vaccines or have had an allergic reaction, you should tell your healthcare provider.

Symptoms of swelling or mild fever at the injection site disappear over time, but if hives or allergic reactions occur, it is better to go to the hospital immediately.
