Over 20,000 people were vaccinated, but only 0.7% had mild symptoms.

Until yesterday (28th), more than 21,000 people across the country had been vaccinated against Corona 19. Among them, about 150 people reported that they had an adverse reaction, but it was confirmed that they had a slight fever or mild symptoms such as muscle pain.

Next is reporter Jeong Seong-jin.


At the Seoul Central Vaccination Center, Pfizer vaccination was conducted for medical staff on a holiday today.

[한초희/간호사 : (앞서 접종한 동료가) 약간의 근육통만 있다고 하는데 그건 한 몇 시간 내로 없어진다고, (의료진들이) 더 확실히 편안해하는 분위기가 있어요.]

More than 250 medical staff working at Corona 19 treatment hospitals and life treatment centers returned to work after vaccinating.

[임찬우/의사 : 응급실 근무할 의사라서 미리 접종받게 됐는데 마음의 안심은 될 수 있지 않을까 그렇게 생각합니다.]

AstraZeneca vaccination continued at national nursing hospitals and nursing facilities.

Yesterday, an additional 765 people were vaccinated across the country, and a total of 21,177 people completed the first dose.

The number of people who reported adverse reactions increased to 152, which was confirmed as mild symptoms.

Fever over 38 degrees was the most common, and symptoms such as muscle pain, headache, and nausea were seen.

Symptoms appearing during the process of immunization, most of which disappear within three days.

The quarantine authorities said that the ability to increase the number of inoculations per bottle of Pfizer through a special domestic-made syringe with a minimum residual amount is intended to utilize the remaining amount and has no plans to mandate it.

Currently, Pfizer vaccine is being vaccinated only at the Seoul Central Vaccination Center, but the day after tomorrow, vaccination begins in non-metropolitan areas.

AstraZeneca vaccinations for first responders such as 119 paramedics and epidemiological investigation personnel will also begin on the 7th.

(Video coverage: Hwang In-seok, video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)
