Otto Mom “I’m not such a body from birth, I keep my body in shape with bloody effort”… Secret disclosure

Star Influencer Otto Mom’s Instagram capture © News1

Star influencer Otto Mom has revealed her beautiful body management know-how.

Recently, Otto Mom posted several photos and videos on his SNS along with a long article titled “Great disclosure of the weight currently maintained. A must read for those who are curious about how to manage”.

Otto Mom said, “I have had a lot of questions about diet and diet management methods, but there is nothing special, but I will tell you how easy it is to follow.”

He continued, “65kg → 55kg, pregnant and taking 87kg, and after giving birth, from 65kg to the weight that wasn’t flashing, everything goes to flesh, and even if you don’t manage it a little, you’re a Tina body. He confessed that there was a tremendous effort, saying, “I am maintaining my current weight and body with bloody efforts.”

Ottomam also said, “In fact, I’m a rubber band weight, so if I don’t take care of it for a day, my waistline collapses and my stomach comes out.” He also stressed the importance of the exercise, saying, “After a lot of exercise and management, I will return to the original state quickly.”

At the same time, he gave advice on diet, exercise method, and lifestyle.

Ottomom said about the diet management method, “I recommend one meal when you are not stressed by eating, control only carbohydrates, refrain from snacks, and eat without rest like holidays.”

Star Influencer Otto Mom’s Instagram capture © News1

Regarding the exercise method, “If you don’t have a yo-yo, you have to take good care of yourself and exercise at the same time.” I get tired soon. I just need to increase the amount of exercise step by step to suit my body,” he explained.

Lastly, Otto Mom said, “First, as soon as you open your eyes, you can prevent you from becoming lazy, fasting as much as possible after 7 pm, drinking a lot of fluids (at least 2L), and watching TV while lying down. He advised that he is doing his back.

He said, “It’s nothing really big, but above all,’consistency’ is the answer and’effort’ is never betrayed.” It’s more fun because you can see directly. I hope my tips will help a little, and leave a message if you’re curious.”

Meanwhile, Otto Mom was born in 1989, is 33 years old, and her real name is Taehwa Oh. She is an influencer who enjoys hot popularity with over 870,000 followers on Instagram. Meanwhile, Otomam has a 7-year-old son and confessed to the divorce and became a hot topic.

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