Ordered and produced system semiconductors, a necessity of the 4th industrial revolution

Received orders and produced system semiconductors, which are'necessities of the 4th industrial revolution'

More than 300 system semiconductors are used in autonomous vehicles. An infotainment system composed of a CPU (central processing unit), a display drive chip (DDI), and a touch integrated circuit is a representative example. Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) use artificial intelligence (AI) processors such as NPU (Neural Network Processing Unit) and security integrated circuit memory. The electronics industry expects to have about 2,000 semiconductors per car by 2022.

Experts say that foundry (consigned semiconductor production) companies that outsource system semiconductors are experiencing a surge in demand as the biggest reason for entering a super boom. In fact, system semiconductors are included in all of the recently released automobiles and home appliances. As new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and AI have become commonplace, the product line that requires’brain’ has expanded.

Previously, the center of the semiconductor industry was CPU and memory semiconductors. This is an equation that uses the CPU to calculate the data stored in the DRAM. Information that should not be erased was stored in HDD (hard disk drive) or SSD (solid state drive). However, a major change has occurred in the semiconductor industry recently. In addition to PCs, various electronic platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and autonomous vehicles have emerged. Refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs have smart functions that process information like computers.

The problem is that the supply of system semiconductors is a multi-species, small-scale production method. System semiconductor components that make up an AP (application processor) differ from device to device. Washing machines and dryers that deliver information to the dryer when laundry is finished need a CPU and a communication chip (modem), but do not need a GPU (graphics processing unit).

Due to the need to manufacture products with such various characteristics little by little, it became common for other companies to take charge of design (fabless) and production (foundry) from an early age. Foundries that outsource system semiconductors have significant entry barriers. In order to incorporate the 5G (5G) mobile communication function, APs must be produced in an ultra-fine process, but there are only two places in the world that can make this product, TSMC and Samsung Electronics.

An industry expert said, “Due to the nature of the order-taking industry, foundry companies have no choice but to see the notice of past ordering companies, but the structure has been reversed as the situation has been picked and received orders due to the recent demand.

Reporter Lee Soo-bin [email protected]

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