Opposition Party “The Roh Moo-Hyun administration may have fired at the temple, and then President Moon, who was the leader of civil jeong.”

Regarding the controversy over civilian inspections by the Lee Myung-bak (MB) government’s NIS, the people’s power took a counterattack on the 17th, saying, “Let’s close the documents for collecting information by the NIS during the Roh Moo-hyun administration.”

Counterattack of’MB Government National Intelligence Service’ offensive

The logic of the people’s strength is that it was customary and routine for NIS employees to always access and collect information from the National Assembly, government ministries, and media until the Park Geun-hye administration abolished the National Intelligence Service’s regular access system to government agencies.

The controversy over illegal inspections by the NIS is also being re-examined.

Representatively, the DJ government, Im Dong-won and Shin Kun, were sentenced to three years in prison and four years in probation, respectively, at an appeal trial in December 2007 on charges of tolerating and tolerating illegal wiretapping while in office.

The case of’National Assembly Main Building No. 529′, which was controversial at the National Assembly in January 1999, is also reported. At the time, the GNP tried to force entry here, claiming that Ahn Ki-bu (predecessor to the National Intelligence Service) conducted a political inspection.

Rather, the Roh Moo-hyun administration was sentenced to imprisonment for MB temple. In July 2009, an aunt of the 5th class of the NIS was accused of illegally accessing 563 cases of personal information of 131 relatives and acquaintances of former Seoul Mayor Lee Myung-bak, who was the then president of the Grand National Party in August-November 2006 (violation of the National Intelligence Service Act, etc.). Prosecuted. In December 2011, the Supreme Court confirmed Mr. Ko’s sentence of one year in prison and two years probation.

In terms of the power of the people, some argue that “the controversy over the NIS inspection could spark fire on President Moon Jae-in” (Secretary of the Intelligence Committee Ha Tae-kyung).

As there is a suspicion that the NIS created an inspection document for former President Roh Moo-hyun’s son-in-law Kwak Sang-eon in February 2008, at the end of the Roh Moo-hyun administration’s term of office, the NIS may have customarily collected domestic information even in the early and mid-term of the Roh Moo-hyun administration.

Congressman Ha said, “I have to greet people in the Civil Affairs Office, manage relatives and relatives, and then do I need information?” said “Roh Moo-hyun, the first senior citizen of the Blue House, was President Moon Jae-in.”

Reporter Han Young-ik [email protected]
