Opposition party criticizes the Wen New Year press conference… Jin Jung-kwon is “remembering the Park Geun-hye administration”

120 vain minutes filled with only what the President wants to sayWas. If you’re going to do this, why did you interview?” (Kim Eun-hye, spokesman for the power of the people)

It was no exaggeration to say that the opposition party’s evaluation of President Moon Jae-in’s New Year’s press conference on the 18th was incorporated into this single sentence. From the amnesty to former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye to economic awareness and the issue of securing a vaccine for Corona 19, the opposition’s criticism was omnidirectional.

Regarding President Moon’s statement on the issue of the two former presidents’ pardons, “it is not the time now,” said Ho-young Joo, president of the People’s Power, “It is not a long-lasting thing due to such political considerations.” Representative Joo met with reporters at the National Assembly on that day and said, “Amnesty is a matter that must be resolved for national unity under the president’s own authority. If you attach one or the other conditions, it will be contrary to its original purpose and purpose,” he said. Besides, in the opposition around the slopes “The President only intends to use the pardon politically.”Responses such as (Former Barun Mirae Party Representative Sohn Hak-gyu) or “The president is responsible for causing the division of national opinion” (Ahn Hye-jin, spokesman for the National Assembly Party) continued throughout the day.

Aides of the two former presidents poured out an intense reaction. Lee Jae-oh, senior adviser to the power of the people, said, “Considering the health status of the two former presidents, the timing of the pardon is already too late.“Amnesty is always a matter for the president to make a decision because there is always a pros and cons, and the mischief shouldn’t keep shaking.” Pro-Park Gye Rep. Park Dae-chul said on Facebook, “As President Moon said today, I don’t have much time left. If it is too late, I can’t even want to do it,” he said. “The value of the lame duck amnesty that is imminent to retire will also fade.” A former government official, who wanted to remain anonymous, said, “I know lawyer Yoo Young-ha will convey the position of former President Park sooner or later.”

Kim Eun-hye, spokesman for the People's Strength.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Kim Eun-hye, spokesman for the People’s Strength. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

There was also a crossfire in relation to the problem of soaring home prices. The power of the people commented that “there was still insistence on maintaining the stance of restraining demand for real estate”, and former lawmaker Yoo Seung-min of the same party said, “The 24 real estate measures are not a mistaken policy, but that the house price and the rent to cheonsei have risen for other reasons.” Added. Former lawmakers Lee Hye-hoon and Oh Shin-hwan, who have declared a run for the mayor of Seoul, also posted articles on Facebook such as “Another number of numbers is wrong” and “Moon Jae-in is the problem” respectively.

President Moon Conflict between Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae and Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeolRegarding the “difference of opinion”, the people’s strength is “So why did you sign the disciplinary bill of President Yun? What is the apology the President made?” (Spokesman Kim Eun-hye) launched an offensive. Passport friendly Justice Party also “The emergence of a late president who missed the time to present a probationary plan” (Spokesman Jeong Ho-jin)I pinched.

The vaccine supply and demand was devalued as “spiritual victory”. Spokesman Kim Eun-hye criticized “AstraZeneca and others, which have not even been approved by the US FDA, are waiting, but we only shout out the spirit of victory that it is safest if approved by the Korean Food and Drug Administration.” Regarding the issue of North Korea, “North Korea’s nuclear augmentation was because the peace building talks could not be reached.” (Kim Eun-hye), “The statement that North Korea has a willingness to denuclearize is far from public perception. “A natural perception” (Hoyoung Joo) came out.

Jin Jung-kwon, a former professor at Tong Yang University, who cherished remarks on the pending issue after Facebook’s’declaration of cut off’, said, “Looking at it, I thought of the Park Geun-hye administration, which is the fluid escape method.” Prof. Jin, who appeared on a YouTube broadcast conducted by former Democratic Party lawmaker Geum Tae-seop on this day, said, “What the party, the government, and the Cheong are doing is actually the President’s re-enrollment, but it seems like he’s coming out and talking about something else.”

Reporter Hyun Il-hoon [email protected]
