Opposition party “Chinmun, the head of the Blue House, the prosecution of the Justice Minister …

President Moon Jae-in appointed Park Bum-gye (left) as a candidate for the Minister of Justice on the 30th.  Kim Jin-wook, a former judge, was appointed as the first chief of the High-ranking Officials Criminal Investigation Office (KPA), a senior researcher at the Constitutional Court.  yunhap news

President Moon Jae-in appointed Park Bum-gye (left) as a candidate for the Minister of Justice on the 30th. Kim Jin-wook, a former judge, was appointed as the first chief of the High-ranking Officials Criminal Investigation Office (KPA), a senior researcher at the Constitutional Court. yunhap news

In connection with President Moon Jae-in’s appointment of Kim Jin-wook, chief of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Department (KAI) and Park Beom-gye, the candidates for the Minister of Justice, the power of the people “appointed the’Chinmun Blue House Chief’ and’Chinmun’s Core Justice Minister’. It was criticized as a continuation of disaster.”

Regarding the candidate for the head of the airlift, he cited the problem of the procedure and stated that there was a problem with the launching of the airlift. In a commentary on the day, Hyung-du Choi, a spokesman for the power of the people, said, “The prosecution and the police’s right of prosecution are separated. Isn’t’balance’ basic?” He said, “The moment the airlift takes the case of the Wolseong Unit 1’s economic manipulation audit obstruction and the Cheong Wa Dae Ulsan mayor’s alleged election intervention, the identity of the’Blue House’ will be revealed.”

Rep. Park Dae-chul of People’s Power also said, “Is the’investigation’ of governmental corruption gone and the’shooter’ left? Are you opening the door to dictatorship?” he criticized. Rep. Park posted a post on Facebook that day, saying, “The process of coming up to the nomination of (candidate) was filled with fouls and illegality, but it is said that the rule of law is implemented as an unconstitutional procedure. He criticized that the airlift was a virtual image.” “In order to appoint a public prosecutor, a personnel committee must be formed, but the committee is effective only when all 7 persons including 2 persons recommended by the people are filled. “I will thoroughly examine who will fill the prosecutors at the airborne department and whether the personnel committee will be organized according to the law (department) at the personnel hearing.”

The power of the people also set the day for the reorganization that took place on the same day, such as candidates Park Bum-gye (Ministry of Justice) and Han Jeong-ae (Ministry of Environment). This is why it is “reopening of boeun to the ruling party that faithfully fulfilled the government’s instructions”. In a commentary on the day, Kim Ye-ryeong, a spokesman for the power of the people, criticized this day, saying, “It is a surprise that the person who confessed to using the Corona Emergency Disaster Subsidy for elections and the person who confessed to using the corona emergency disaster assistance fund for election will be appointed as the Minister of Environment. .

In particular, criticism was focused on candidate Park Bum-gye, saying that he was “the key minister of justice for the pro-moon.” Hospital spokesman Choi Hyeong-du said, “Rep. Park is a person who urged Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol to say’Suk-yeol-hyung’ and’selective justice’. The nomination of the Selective Justice and Sidekick as a candidate is to reappoint the Minister of Justice.” “The motherland that divided Korea and divided national opinions is not enough for Chumi. “Is this the prosecution reform season 2, which is the prosecution reform season 2,” he said.

Reporter Han Young-ik [email protected]
