“Only Trump is the best”… The key is a vote in favor of the Republican Party

President Trump’s impeachment bill will be voted earlier this week, saying the Democratic Party of the United States should hold accountability for the invasion of Congress. The ruling Republican Party also has voices calling for President Haya, but it remains to be seen whether they will vote for the impeachment proposal.

In New York, correspondent Kim Jong-won reports.


The Democratic Party, which drafted a bill last week to impeach President Trump, is scheduled to vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow (12th) the day after tomorrow.

Passing the impeachment bill requires a majority of the House of Representatives, but the Democratic Party currently occupies a majority of the House, so it is not difficult to pass the House.

The key is the Senate.

The impeachment bill passed in the House of Representatives is finalized only after a two-thirds approval of the Senate is obtained. Currently, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have 50 seats each.

It seems unlikely that this will happen, as Republican lawmakers have to vote for the impeachment of 17 people, and Trump has only ten days left to resign.

In this situation, there are voices from the Republicans that Trump should do it himself.

[팻 투미/공화당 상원 의원 : 우리나라를 위한 최고의 방법은 대통령이 최대한 빨리 하야하고 사라지는 겁니다. 탄핵하기엔 시간이 부족하기 때문입니다. 결국, 하야만이 최선입니다.]

Meanwhile, Maryland’s Governor Hogan said approval for the State Guard had been delayed for more than 90 minutes on the day of the congressional invasion.

[래리 호건/메릴랜드 주지사 : 메릴랜드 주 방위군은 모두 소집이 돼서 출동 준비가 끝났지만 워싱턴 DC 경계선을 넘어갈 수가 없었습니다. 투입 승인이 나기까지 시간이 꽤 많이 걸렸습니다.]

The US media said that President Trump was initially opposed to the use of the state defense force, and the decision was made by Vice President Pence and Acting Defense Secretary Miller.
