Only touched sensitive issues… Confrontation from the first call of the US-China foreign minister

Tony Blincoln. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Tony Blincoln. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Joe Biden brought out a sensitive issue in a conversation between the heads of diplomatic affairs between the US and China for the first time since the inauguration of the US administration. Although he mentioned the importance of cooperation between the two countries, there was a clear confrontation in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong.

The US State Department announced on the 5th (local time) that Secretary of State Tony Blincoln had the first phone call after taking office with Chinese diplomatic politician Yang Jietsu. The State Department said, “Minister Blincoln emphasized that the United States will continue to support human rights and democratic values, including Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong, and pressed China to join the international community criticizing the military coup in Burma (Myanmar).” .

Minister Blincoln also reaffirmed that he will work with allies and partners to hold China accountable for threatening stability in the Indo-Pacific region, including the Taiwan Strait, and ignoring the international social system based on rules. This position of the State Department is interpreted as a means of continuing a hard line like the Trump administration by addressing all the issues China is sensitive to.

China reported the fact of the call through state media such as China Central TV, but did not introduce Blincoln’s criticism. Instead, it intensively reported on the hard-line remarks of the Yangzetsu political bureau.

According to these media, “China-US relations are at a climax” in the call on the same day. “China has stabilized relations by adjusting disagreements by focusing on mutual respect and cooperation, without the US correcting its mistakes and not colliding with China.” I urge you to improve.”

He said, “The Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive issue in China-US relations, and China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are at stake,” he said. “The agreement between the two countries over reductions, etc.) must be strictly observed.” He then raised his voice, saying, “Hong Kong, Xinjiang (新疆), Shi-chan (西藏) and other issues are not tolerated by any external forces due to Chinese internal affairs.”

Reporter Jang Joo-young [email protected]
