Only get tax benefits and drive out tenants… Law-Ignoring Renters

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If you register as a rental business, you will receive various tax benefits every year.

When the government inspected rental housing, as many as 3,700 households were found violating the mandatory rental regulations.

There are various cases of violation, such as raising the rent by 10 times, or claiming to have rented a tenant and living in it.

Along with the imposition of a fine, the government plans to recover the tax benefits received so far and cancel the rental business registration.

This is reporter Jeong Jin-wook.

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A woman in her 60s who registered as a rental business after buying an apartment for 300 million won in Jungnang-gu, Seoul in 2015.

Every year, we have collected millions of won in tax benefits such as comprehensive real estate tax and property tax reduction.

But when I checked, the apartment never had a tenant.

He just reported that he was paying rent and he lived.

In this way, when the government conducted a thorough investigation of 1.6 million registered rental houses to see if there were any rental companies that did not know the duty and only taking tax benefits, 3,700 households were found to have violated the obligation to lease.

Selling a house without meeting the promised rental period, such as short-term 5 years or long-term 8 years, to collect huge gains

In many cases, the rent ceiling was not observed, such as raising the rent by a whopping 10 times.

In addition, there are cases in which the tenant’s request for renewal was illegally refused after the rental period is over.

[국토교통부 관계자]

“If you do not fulfill your obligations and only receive tax benefits, there are cases in which tenants’ housing stability is violated.”

More than half of the violations in this survey came from the metropolitan area, such as Seoul and Gyeonggi, with the highest number of apartment violations by housing type.

They will be subject to fines of up to 30 million won, cancellation of rental business registration, and retrieval of tax benefits.

The government plans to conduct a tax audit on these people if necessary, and also conduct additional investigations in the second half of this year to ensure that there are no violations of the law.

This is Jung Jin-wook, MBC News.

(Video editing: Hongseok Yang)

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