Only 516 people vaccinated for 5 days… French bureaucracy that pissed off Macron

France is struggling with the COVID-19 vaccination situation, which is seldom slow. The vaccination was started on the 27th of last month (local time), but only 516 people received the vaccine in five days.

According to the 24th place in France on the 3rd (local time), Health Minister Olivier Berang announced a new vaccination plan, saying, “We will expand the target of vaccination” through Twitter on the first day of the new year.

French President Emmanuel Macron is giving a New Year's address at the Elysees Palace in Paris, France on the 31st of last month. [BFM TV 채널=AFP]

French President Emmanuel Macron is giving a New Year’s address at the Elysees Palace in Paris, France on the 31st of last month. [BFM TV 채널=AFP]

According to this, France will first expand the number of vaccination targets from the elderly and medical staff living in nursing homes to the elderly over 65 and medical workers over 50. In addition, it is planning to establish a dedicated corona 19 vaccine vaccination center in preparation for the crowd of hopes.

“We will vaccinate 1 million elderly and high-risk people by the end of February, and up to 20 million by June,” said Minister Berang. “In a few weeks, we will raise the vaccination rate to the same level as other countries.” .

“Safe rather than quick” vs “too bureaucratic”

Earlier in December, French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced a plan to “because 1 million people by the end of January 2021, and 14 million people by February, will be given the Corona 19 vaccine.” However, due to the lack of initial vaccination, the initial schedule was significantly delayed.

On the 2nd (local time), a medical worker is getting a vaccine at the Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Paris, France. [AFP=연합뉴스]

On the 2nd (local time), a medical worker is getting a vaccine at the Hotel-Dieu Hospital in Paris, France. [AFP=연합뉴스]

This lack of speed is largely due to the complicated administrative procedures. In France, it is mandatory to see a doctor before vaccination, and the consent form must be carefully completed. It is a measure for safety, but as a result, even the first target person has to wait at least 5 days for vaccination. Here The lack of sufficient infrastructure, such as manpower and facilities, is also the cause of the schedule disruption.

Regarding the delay in vaccination, Minister Berang explained, “You should not confuse quickness and impatience,” and Alain Fisher, Corona 19 Vaccination Strategy Officer, said, “If you get the vaccine slowly, you can get it in the best safe conditions.” .

However, the French National Academy of Medicine said the government overlooked the importance of the’initial vaccination rate’. “If the vaccination rate is slow, the initial defense is difficult,” he said.

The number of corona vaccine vaccinations per 100 population as of the last 3 days (local time).  In France, the number of vaccinations per 100 people per day, the fifth day after vaccination, is still zero. [Our world in Data 캡처]

The number of corona vaccine vaccinations per 100 population as of the last 3 days (local time). In France, the number of vaccinations per 100 people per day, the fifth day after vaccination, is still zero. [Our world in Data 캡처]

Some experts analyze that the government’s position to give time to choose instead of encouraging vaccinations has raised doubts about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.

Professor Jocelyn Road of the University of Higher Health (EHESP) said, “The government already burned millions of people during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic, and skepticism about the vaccine itself is widespread.” It can create human anxiety.”

Geneticist Dr. Axel Kahn also criticized “French strategy as a disaster caused by excessive bureaucracy,” saying, “French strategy is not suitable for the urgent situation as it is now.”

Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine label being vaccinated in France. [AFP=연합뉴스]

Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine label being vaccinated in France. [AFP=연합뉴스]

As the noise surrounding the vaccination delay ceases, in the end French President Emmanuel Macron went on to evolve.

President Macron said in his New Year’s address, “I will not allow the vaccination to be unduly delayed.” “It should be possible for all French who want a vaccine in a safe manner and in the proper sequence, starting with the most vulnerable,” he stressed. The French weekly magazine Le Journal du Dimanche said that Macron complained of the slow vaccination rate at a closed meeting and pressured officials to say “many things need to be changed quickly.”

Reporter Lee Min-jung [email protected]
