‘Only 1.4 billion incentives’ ran on Cha Woo-chan’s shoulder (Total)

FA Cha Woo-chan signs contract with LG for 2 years for 2 billion won
Annual salary 300 million won, incentives 700 million won annually

LG Twins Cha Woo-chan is holding the first spring camp in Blacktown, Sydney, Australia.  (Photo = courtesy of LG Twins)
LG Twins Cha Woo-chan is holding the first spring camp in Blacktown, Sydney, Australia. (Photo = courtesy of LG Twins)

Reporter Kim Joo-hee = Left-hander Cha Woo-chan (34) will remain at the LG Twins.

LG announced on the 3rd that it signed a contract with Cha Woo-chan, a free agent (FA), for two years and a total amount of 2 billion won. The contract details are an annual salary of 300 million won and an annual incentive of 700 million won.

Cha Woo-chan graduated from Gunsan Commercial High School and made her professional debut at Samsung Lions in 2006. After completing the 2016 season, he obtained his first free agency qualification and signed a large contract with LG for 9.5 billion won for 4 years.

After transferring to LG, he recorded an average ERA of 4.62 with 40 wins and 30 losses in 4 seasons. From 2017 to 2019, he played the role of a native ace with a double-digit victory every year. However, in the last season of his contract, last year, he was ankled by an injury.

After being expunged from the 1st group entry in mid-August due to shoulder pain, the season ended without returning. Even this winter, he is still working on shoulder rehabilitation.

It remains to be seen if we can join the team’s spring camp right away. An LG official said, “After checking your physical condition through a medical test, you need to check whether you can go to the rehabilitation group or do rehabilitation training at Icheon camp.”

As he signed a contract with a larger incentive than his annual salary, Cha Woo-chan can take a lot of money only if he shows certain skills. First of all, you have to stand up after breaking the injury. In the end, it was on his shoulder.

Cha Woo-chan promised, “I am sincerely sorry to the fans that the contract will be delayed. As the joining of the camp is a little late, I will prepare harder and show a good appearance. Thank you to the fans and the club for waiting for a while.”

General Manager Cha Myung-Seok hoped, “Cha Woo-chan is our team’s ace. Also, he is a senior who is always a model for junior pitchers with a sincere attitude. We look forward to continuing to hold the center of our pitching team in the future.”

Meanwhile, as Cha Woo-chan signed a contract, only pitchers Lee Yong-chan and Yoo Hee-gwan remained in the free agent contract.

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