‘Online star’ Sanders raised 2 billion charity fund thanks to parody

On the 24th, in Culver City, California, a painter paints a wall of Senator Bernie Sanders, wearing a functional mountaineering jumper and colorful fur gloves. Rep. Sanders, who attended the inauguration ceremony of US President Joe Biden on the 20th, emerged as an Internet star with a practical and unique fashion considering the cold. Culver City = AFP Yonhap News

Online topics have created a good influence offline. Senator Bernie Sanders (independent), who emerged as a’surprise star’ at the inauguration ceremony of US President Joe Biden, held on the 20th (local time), collected and donated 1.8 million dollars (about 2 billion won) for the sale of promotional products. On the day of the inauguration ceremony, Rep. Sanders was sitting upright in a thick jumper, wearing colorful fur gloves, and was captured by the AFP communication camera.

According to the Associated Press on the 27th, the Sanders’ office began selling so-called’Chairman Sanders’ character goods, such as T-shirts, sweaters, and stickers, through the election campaign website the night after the inauguration ceremony. The first quantity sold out in less than 30 minutes. Items that were sold additionally over the weekend also quickly came together. In just five days, $1.8 million in proceeds were collected. In a statement, Sanders said in a statement, “I was amazed at the creativity shown by many people over the past week,” and “I am happy to be able to use the topic of the Internet for Vermont residents in need.”

Sanders memes posted by the US Embassy.

Senator Sanders’ photographs have been parodyed as countless composite photos’memes’ right after the inauguration ceremony and are spreading as a kind of cultural phenomenon. Thanks to netizens who know humor and satire, he was invited to sit on a bench with Forest Gump to chat, dance with singer Psy, and to the Last Supper. I also attended a charity event for making kimchi in Korea. The gloves, which are regarded as the number one contributor to the meme craze, were presented by his supporter, Vermont elementary school teacher Jen Ellis, and are said to be made from recycled eco-friendly clothing. Ellis, delighted with the news of the charity fundraising, made three more gloves and delivered them to the Vermont charity.

The Sanders office said it will donate the funds to non-profit organizations and local civic groups that provide meals for the elderly. “Funds cannot take over the role of Congress,” Sanders said. “I will do everything I can in Congress to save workers in Vermont and across the country from the worst crisis after the Great Depression.” .

Kim Pyo-hyang reporter

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