Online memorial wave of the late Big Joe’s death… ‘May you be comfortable in the sky’

Singer and BJ Big.  (Photo = Captured video of African TV channel'Big Joe')

Singer and BJ Big. (Photo = Captured video of African TV channel’Big Joe’)

The news of the death of singer and BJ Big Joe continues with netizens’ memorial articles.

The late Big Joe died on the 6th at the age of 43. The deceased was operated in a hospital to remove inflammation in the body, but it was reported that the course was poor and died. Vinso was prepared at the funeral hall of Incheon International St. Mary’s Hospital under the real name of Bulk Joseph.

As mourning continues online over the news of the unfortunate death, Big Joe’s last broadcast in his life is also drawing attention.

On December 25, last year, Big Joe was released on the YouTube’Um Sam-yong’ channel before hospitalization. BJ Um Sam-yong and Big Hyeon-bae, who are active together as’Big 3′, went to the house to meet Big Joe, one day before hospitalization.

Um Sam-yong and Big Hyeon-bae said, “If you are hospitalized, will you be in the hospital for a month? My brother will heal quickly and become healthy, so let’s work hard on’Big 3’and get three people together.”

In response, Big Joe said, “I think I’ll know if I’m hospitalized. Thank you. I’ll come soon, I might come later, but I hope you don’t forget (me) anyway. Find health as soon as possible and (let’s meet again)” .

He added, “Even if you don’t have me, please take care of me and be pretty. I have a lot of hardships and think about me. Let’s see my face because I’m getting better as soon as possible. Thank you,”

On the 15th of the same month, Big Joe delivered news of hospitalization through his African TV channel and said, “It’s planned, but it’s not going to happen. It’s about a month from now, all unknown from tomorrow.”

In addition, he said, “Thank you so much and don’t forget me. Whatever happens from now on, please don’t forget it. I’ll say hello for a moment so that I can show you a good look.”

Big Hyeon-bae, who was active with’Big 3′, shared the news of Big Joe’s death through an African TV channel on the 6th. He shed tears, saying, “Well warmly on the way, let’s refrain from going together and pray for the deceased’s blessings.”

The doctorate who worked with Big Joe as a group’Holadang’ also left a memorial message.

The Ph.D. director said on his Instagram the day before, “Big Joe hyung, who sang with me for 15 years, went to heaven,” and “It’s too hard to let my brother who loves you so much. Please pray.” I uploaded a picture.

He added, “It seems that some of the people I need to inform you are not able to contact you, so I post it like this.”

In addition, memorial articles continued on Big Joe’s African TV channel bulletin board and social media. His last post on Instagram was posted last June.

Netizens said, “Please take a rest. I wish the deceased people’s blessings.” I’m sick of this,” and “I wish I was happy with good things and favorite songs there.”

Earlier, Big Joe announced on the YouTube channel’Um Sam-yong’ last month that he was taking a long time off for health reasons. He said, “I have been to the hospital, but I have to be hospitalized,” he said.

Big Joe said that he weighed 320 kg, suffered from heart failure and diabetes, and that his oxygen level was also lowered. Since then, YouTubers Sam-Yong Um and Hyun-Bae BIC shared the latest situation at the end of last month that Big Joe is in hospital and is in poor condition.

Big Joe is a mixed-race singer born in 1978 between a Korean mother and an American father, and debuted in 2008 with the group’Holadang’. At the time of his debut, he gained attention with a height of 186 cm and a weight of 250 kg. He lost more than 150 kg by going on a diet with trainer Sean Lee, but it is reported that he suffered a yo-yo phenomenon afterwards.
