One million Israeli people were vaccinated… France only 138 people in 4 days

/EPA Yonhap News

Israel is attracting attention as it has an overwhelming advantage in the speed of vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19). On the other hand, France, which approved the use of the vaccine in December of last year, has only vaccinated about 100 people and is seldom speeding up.

On the 3rd (local time), the BBC reported that Israel had the highest rate of vaccination against Corona 19. According to’our world in data’, a global tracking website affiliated with Oxford University, Israel, with a population of about 9.29 million as of last year, had a vaccination rate of 11.55 per 100 people. Bahrain recorded 3.49 and the UK recorded 1.37 (as of December 27, 2020). The lowest vaccination rate was in France, with only 138 vaccinations until December 30 last year.

Vaccinations began in Israel on December 19 last year, and on December 27 in France, eight days later. The BBC explained that the difference in vaccination rate, even though the starting point of vaccination is only 8 days, is due to widespread doubts about vaccinations in France. One poll found that only 40% of French citizens were willing to get the vaccine, much lower than 80% in China, 77% in the UK and 69% in the US.

Meanwhile, according to the AFP news agency, Israeli Health Minister Hedge Levy said in an interview with the public broadcaster KAN that “by the end of January, 2 million people will be vaccinated.” In Israel, 1 million people completed the first vaccination on the last day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the 1 millionth vaccination site and said, “We are breaking all records,” and “We are ahead of the world.”

/ Kim Yeon Haja [email protected]

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