“One in five Americans lost friends and relatives due to coronavirus”

Today (12th) has been one year since the World Health Organization declared the corona19 pandemic. In the United States, where the world’s largest number of victims, it was investigated that one in five lost a friend or relative.

This is Kim Yoon-soo, a correspondent from Washington.


Together, four former US presidents appeared in a TV commercial.

This is to encourage vaccination in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the surviving presidents, only former President Trump is missing.

[오바마/미국 전 대통령 : 이 백신은 희망입니다. 백신은 위험하고 치명적인 바이러스로부터 당신과 사랑하는 사람들을 지켜줄 겁니다.]

To date, 118 million people have been infected around the world, and 2.62 million people have died.

Of these, 29 million infected and 530,000 died from the United States.

Polls show that 1 in 5 Americans have lost friends or relatives close to Corona 19.

Seven out of 10 said they were still concerned about infection.

As vaccination accelerated, two out of three rated President Biden’s actions positively.

It is predicted that at this rate, it will be possible to achieve the collective immunity goal.

[파우치/미 국립알레르기·전염병 연구소장 : 현재 백신 보급 상황을 보면, 늦여름이나 초가을쯤에는 집단 면역에 도달할 거란 희망을 가질 수 있을 겁니다.]

In the US, which has been in the first year of the Corona 19 pandemic, concerns are crossing over whether another pandemic is coming due to the spread of the mutant virus, despite the anticipation that the pandemic is about to end.
