On vacation, Shin Hyun-soo “I have nothing to do with Park Beom-gye”… It is on the list of the munition meeting tomorrow.

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. [연합뉴스·뉴스1]

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye (left) and Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, are talking at the general meeting of the Legislative Judicial Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. [연합뉴스·뉴스1]

Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, returns to work on the 22nd, who expressed his gratitude for the conflict over high-ranking prosecutors and left on vacation on the 18th. After four days of deliberation, Chief Shin is expected to come to the Blue House to reveal his final position on his move.

On the 21st, the Blue House refused to talk about Shin’s move. A senior Cheong Wa Dae official said, “I think Shin will reveal his position on the 22nd,” but said, “There is no other situation or word to convey.” A member of the Democratic Party of Korea, a member of the National Assembly Judiciary Committee, said, “We are currently waiting for Shin’s final position. There is no other way.”

For four days, the party officials worked on persuasion to change Chief Shin’s mind through various channels. Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon said on the 19th, “a small number of high-level communication is in progress,” and “I hope it will be resolved quickly.” Justice Minister Park Beom-gye, who had established a confrontation over the prosecution’s personnel, also suggested the possibility of meeting during the vacation, saying, “I sincerely hope that you will continue as the chief civil servant and be with President Moon’s assistant.” The Blue House is in an atmosphere of expectation that Chief Shin will withdraw his appreciation.

The Prosecutors' Personnel Committee will be held on the morning of the 22nd to discuss personnel at the prosecution's middle level.  According to the legal community on the 19th, the Ministry of Justice will hold a prosecutor's committee at 10 am on the 22nd at the government's Gwacheon government office to discuss promotion and telegram personnel at the prosecution's middle level.  As Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, expressed his appreciation for the conflict that erupted during the senior executive-level personnel process, the key question is how much the opinions of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and others will be reflected in the personnel of the middle executive. [연합뉴스]

The Prosecutors’ Personnel Committee will be held on the morning of the 22nd to discuss personnel at the prosecution’s middle level. According to the legal community on the 19th, the Ministry of Justice will hold a prosecutor’s committee at 10 am on the 22nd at the government’s Gwacheon government office to discuss promotion and telegram personnel at the prosecution’s middle level. As Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, expressed his appreciation for the conflict that emerged during the senior executive-level personnel process, the key question is how much the opinions of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and others will be reflected in the personnel of the middle executive. [연합뉴스]

However, it is said that Shin’s willingness to quit the post of Min Jeong is still stubborn. It is reported that Shin expressed his uncomfortable feelings to his acquaintances while on vacation, to the effect that he would never see him again with Minister Park Beom-gye, who established a confrontation over prosecution personnel. Shin also turned off his mobile phone this morning. A high-ranking passport official analyzed, “Doesn’t President Moon Jae-in’s resignation and leaving on vacation mean that he will eventually leave the Blue House rather than contemplating his progress?”

The Blue House is also concerned that reports from Shin’s vacation period could stimulate Shin’s emotions. On the 20th, President Man-ho Chung, chief of public communication at the Blue House, issued an unusual position on the 20th, saying, “We recommend refraining from speculating reports” on reports that the Ministry of Justice personnel was announced without President Moon’s absence.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, a meeting of the chief and advisors will be held at the Blue House, presided over by President Moon. Since Chief Shin is on the list of attendance at the conference, President Moon and Chief Shin will officially meet at this meeting. However, in the morning, President Moon presides over a private meeting with some staff members attending, and Shin is expected to present his final position on his move for the first time.

On the afternoon of December 31, last year, at the Blue House in Seoul, the new head of secretary Yoo Young-min, Kim Jong-ho, Min Jeong-suk, and Shin Hyun-soo's successor Min Jeong-suk (from left) listen to the story of the secretary's chief Noh Young-min. [청와대사진기자단]

On the afternoon of December 31, last year, at the Blue House in Seoul, the new head of secretary Yoo Young-min, Kim Jong-ho, Min Jeong-suk, and Shin Hyun-soo’s successor Min Jeong-suk (from left) listen to the story of the secretary’s chief Noh Young-min. [청와대사진기자단]

If Chief Shin finally reveals his gratitude, the confusion in the state affairs will likely increase. After taking office, President Moon was the first to hire a former prosecutor’s chief civil servant, and showed an attempt to resolve the conflict between the Blue House and the prosecution. However, if Chief Shin resigns, the window of communication with the prosecution is blocked, and the conflict with the prosecution will inevitably increase.

Reporter Yoon Seongmin [email protected]
