On the first day of the holiday, the number of people surged to 500… Spread in the center of the metropolitan area

We will start the news at 8 o’clock on the first day of the Lunar New Year holidays. The number of patients with Corona 19, which has subsided the holiday atmosphere, is again increasing. One day, the number of additional confirmed patients rose to 500 in 15 days. The number of confirmed cases through the Yeongsaenggyo facility in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do has now exceeded 100, and the quarantine authorities have started on-site inspections of the Youngsaenggyo branch in the country.

The first news today (11th), reporter Jang Se-man covered it.


Regarding the Yeongsaenggyo Bridge in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, 101 people have been confirmed to date, as spreads have spread in members’ families and at work.

The quarantine authorities are conducting on-site inspections of Yeongsaenggyo branches across the country through the cooperation of the police.

[곽진/방역대책본부 환자관리팀장 : (접촉자들에 대한) 전수 검사와 자택 격리조치가 이뤄진 상태이고, 전국에 있는 다른 지역의 지부에 대해서도 현장 점검이 이뤄지고 있습니다.]

With the spread of infection in the metropolitan area, including Yeongsaeng Bridge, it has been only a month since the end of January, when the aftermath of group infection from IM Mission in Gwangju was large.

In particular, infections through acquaintances and workplaces in the metropolitan area have not decreased, and three-quarters of all infected people came from the metropolitan area.

The serial infection started at a meeting of acquaintances in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, spread to churches and restaurants, and 47 confirmed cases came out, and the infection started in Seo-gu, Incheon and the case of a daycare center in Bucheon followed by confirmed cases.

The quarantine authorities pointed out that most of the outbreaks are caused by non-compliance with quarantine rules, such as not wearing a mask or not following distance.

[권덕철/복지부 장관 : 이번 설 연휴가 갖는 의미는 그 어느 때보다 크다고 할 수 있습니다. 타향에서 살던 많은 분들이 이동하고 만나는 것이 감염 확산의 통로가 될 가능성이 있습니다.]

The quarantine authorities have been discussing final measures to adjust the distance to be applied after the holiday season through two public debates and expert consultations, and will announce the final draft on Saturday.

(Video coverage: Kim Min-cheol, video editing: Park Ki-deok)
