There was no surprise. The power of the people was the final candidate for the 4/7 re-election, and the Mayor of Seoul decided to be Candidate Se-hoon Oh and the Mayor of Busan as Candidate Hyeong-jun Park.
On the morning of the 4th, Chairman Jeong Jin-seok of the People’s Power Nomination Management Committee announced the results of the contest conducted through a 100% public opinion poll. Female candidates and new candidates are the result of additional points. As a result of counting the votes, the number of candidates for the mayor of Seoul was 10.39% of candidate Shin Won-hwan, number 1, Se-hun Oh, number 2, 41.64%, Kyung-won Na, 36.31%, and Eun-hee Cho, number 4, 16.47%. Accordingly, the final candidate was decided as Candidate Se-hoon Oh.

The candidates for the Busan mayor were 28.63% of candidate Park Seong-hoon, No. 1 candidate, 21.54% of candidate Lee Eon-joo, No. 2, and 54.40% of candidate Park Hyung-jun, No. 3, and the final candidate was Hyeong-jun Park.
In his speech to accept the candidate, Candidate Oh said, “I have lived with guilt and self-confidence for 10 years when I did not finish my term of office.” “I felt more responsible when I met the citizens who encouraged me. I prepared myself for the day when I could be forgiven.”
Candidate Oh said, “I strongly accept that you listened to the spear with encouragement to repay the sins you committed to the citizens of Seoul once again. I accept that you sent me, and my shoulders are heavy because of the pressure.”
Candidate Oh reaffirmed his willingness to unify, saying, “(with Ahn Cheol-soo, the National Assembly Representative), we will surely achieve unification.” He said, “To hold an election with the opposition divided is the path to self-defeat.”
The people’s strength candidates commonly emphasized the judgment theory of the Moon Jae-in regime. Candidate Oh said, “This election is at the crossroads of deciding whether to save the Republic of Korea or let it collapse as it is.” It was an election that conveys the imperative order to go the road, the fair road, and the righteous road.”

Candidate Park Hyung-joon, who was elected as a candidate for the Busan Mayor, also said in his speech to accept the candidate, “We must put a brake on the Moon Jae-in regime, which has been in a hurry for four years.” I will show you that it is a political party that can be presented.”
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