Oh-an unified public opinion poll finished… Announcement of today’s morning results

This is the news of the re-election of the Mayor of Seoul in April. Two opposition candidates Oh Se-hoon and Ahn Cheol-soo will announce the unification results in the morning of today (23rd). As the two candidates’ nervous war heated up, Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon made a pledge of free kindergarten meals.

This is Lee Hyun-young reporter.


The power of the people Se-hoon Oh and Chul-soo Ahn of the National Party are the results of a poll to unify the two opposition candidates this morning.

The poll conducted on 3,200 citizens of Seoul started yesterday at 10 am, and as the survey was completed within a day, the results of the unification were announced sooner than expected.

As if you were expecting a crushing match, the slander against the opponent also increased.

[오세훈/국민의힘 서울시장 후보 : 실체가 불분명한 야권연대, 정권교체를 외치는 신기루와 같은 후보로는 끝까지 불안할 수밖에 없습니다.]

[안철수/국민의당 서울시장 후보 : (내곡동 땅과 관련해) 당시 일을 증언하는 사람이 나타나면, 야권 후보가 사퇴한 상태에서 선거를 치를 수도 있습니다.]

The Democratic Party’s leadership also focused on hitting candidate Oh as Naegok-dong’s wife raised the issue of land compensation again.

In response, Candidate Oh announced that the plan for the Naegok-dong National Rental Housing Complex was deliberated and resolved during the Roh Moo-hyun administration in March 2007, and disclosed the government documents at the time.

Democratic Party candidate Park Young-sun said he would become a mayor like a mother and said that if it becomes the mayor, he will promote free eco-friendly meals in kindergartens as well.

[박영선/민주당 서울시장 후보 : 오세훈 후보는 10년 전에도 아이를 차별했고 그 이후로 무상급식을 반대하고 사퇴한 후보입니다.]

Candidate Chul-soo Ahn said that he can deal with an aunt who has a Tokyo apartment, and joins the attack between the three candidates, and the war between the three candidates is heating up.
