Nuclear power plant reduction and coal reduction boldly-Today Energy

Government unveils public hearing for the 9th Basic Electric Power Supply and Demand Plan
Coal power plant abolished 30 units by 2034
Renewable energy facilities secure 40% by 2034

[투데이에너지 김병욱 기자] The government has unveiled the basic plan for power supply and demand in the direction of converting energy policy to a safe and clean power mix, such as gradually reducing nuclear power plants and drastically reducing coal power generation.

In particular, the rated capacity of renewable energy this year is 20.1GW, accounting for 15.8%, and it is expected to increase to 40.3% to 77.8GW in 2034.

On the 24th, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held a public hearing on the 9th Basic Plan for Power Supply and Demand (draft) containing 15 years of power generation facility plans from this year to 2034 at the KEPCO Art Center in Seoul and announced as such. .

This basic plan for power supply and demand consists of a facility plan to accelerate the use of eco-friendly power on the premise of limited power supply. In particular, it specified measures to achieve the goal of GHG emissions in the 2030 conversion sector, including reducing nuclear and coal power generation, supplementing with LNG power generation, and accelerating the expansion of renewable energy in accordance with the Green New Deal.

Through this 9th Basic Plan for Power Supply and Demand, the Ministry of Industry predicted that the maximum power demand in 2034 will be 117.5GW, and it is expected to decrease 1.6GW from 113.4GW of the 8th plan to 118.9GW as of 2030.

In the case of demand management, the maximum power in 2034 is reduced by 14.8GW and the maximum power is forecast to be 102.5GW in 2034. As of 2030, it is 100.4GW, a decrease of 0.1GW compared to the 8th generation. The standard facility reserve rate was determined at 22% in 2034, and the target facility capacity is 125.1GW in 2034.

First of all, 30 coal power plants with 30 years of operation until 2034 will be abolished. However, to stabilize supply and demand, 24 of these will be converted to liquefied natural gas (LNG) power generation.

Boryeong Units 1 and 2, Samcheonpo Units 1 and 2, and Honam Units 1 and 2 will be completely abolished by 2022.

18 units including Samcheonpo Units 3~6, ​​Taean Units 1~4, Hadong Units 1~4, Dangjin Units 1~4, and Boryeong Units 5 and 6 will be abolished from 2023 to 2030 and replaced by LNG power generation.

In addition, six units, including Taean Units 5 and 6, Hadong Units 5 and 6, and Yeongheung Units 1 and 2, will be abolished from 2031 to 2034 and changed to LNG power generation.

Seven coal power plants currently under construction, such as Gangneung Anin Units 1 and 2, Samcheok Thermal Power Plant Units 1 and 2, Shinseocheon Unit 1, and Goseong High Units 1 and 2, will be completed as scheduled.

Accordingly, the capacity of coal power plants will decrease from 35.8GW (58 units) this year to 29.0GW (37 units) in 2034.

In accordance with the principle of prohibiting new and extended life, the number of nuclear power plants will decrease to 17 units by 2034 after peaking at 26 units in 2022 when Shinhanul units 1 and 2 are completed.

From 2023 to 2034, Shin-Kori units 5 and 6 will be completed, and 11 old generators will be shut down. Accordingly, the facility capacity will be reduced from 23.3GW (24 units) at present to 19.4GW (17 units) in 2034. Shinhanul Units 3 and 4, whose construction was previously suspended according to the nuclear power plant roadmap, are excluded from the power supply source.

The facility capacity of LNG power generation will increase from 41.3GW this year to 58.1GW in 2034. By 2024, the Yeoju complex, Tongyeong complex, Eumseong natural gas, and Ulsan GPS will be built, and by 2034, old coal power plants will be converted to 24 LNG power plants (12.7 GW).

The confirmed facility in 2034 is 122.2GW, which is 2.9GW less than 124.1GW. Accordingly, it is expected that actual facilities of 1.8GW of pumped water and 1GW of LNG will be required. The new LNG quantity is planned to be finalized later, taking into account the capacity of self-generation and collective energy facilities, which will be confirmed after the 9th power supply plan was established.

The capacity of new and renewable energy facilities will increase from 20.1 GW this year to 77.8 GW in 2034 by about four times, reflecting the renewable energy 3020, hydrogen economy activation roadmap, and the Green New Deal plan.

In accordance with the Green New Deal plan, new and renewable energy plans to expand preemptive investments by 2025 to establish a foundation for diffusion. Accordingly, the median target for renewable energy power generation facilities in 2025 has been raised from the previous 29.9GW to 42.7GW. Solar and wind power are expected to reach 91% of the total renewable energy at 45.6GW and 24.9GW, respectively, in 2034.

In addition, fuel cells are expected to increase 3.5 times from 0.75GW in 2030 proposed in the 8th plan to 2.6GW in 2034.

According to the plan, the composition ratio by power generation source based on effective capacity in 2034 is LNG (47.3%), coal (22.7%), nuclear power plants (15.5%), new and renewable energy (8.6%), and others (5.9%). Compared to this year, LNG increases by 9.9 percentage points, renewables increase by 5.3 percentage points, coal decreases by 9.2 percentage points, and nuclear power plants decrease by 5.5 percentage points.

The Ministry of Industry predicted that by 2028, the facility reserve ratio is expected to maintain a stable electricity supply and demand with more than 18%. It also announced that from 2029, it will achieve a facility reserve ratio of 22% through the construction of new facilities.

Through this plan, a plan to reduce greenhouse gases was also presented in earnest. The Ministry of Industry announced that it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the conversion sector from 227 million tons to 191 million tons in 2030. This is a reduction of 23.6% from 252 million tons in 2017. To this end, based on the results of the power generation facility status survey, 24 coal power generators that have reached 30 years of operation as of 2030 will be abolished, and the annual power generation of residual coal power generation facilities will be limited in accordance with the greenhouse gas reduction target. Through this, it is expected to reduce 12,000 tons, or 57% in 2030, compared to 21,000 tons of fine dust in 2019, and 9,000 tons in 2030.

Distributed power supplies are also expected to supply 21% of the total power generation in 2034. In order to revitalize decentralized power, we plan to devise benefits support measures such as avoiding the construction of distributed energy transmission lines and easing volatility, and introducing a system to diversify the new demand in the metropolitan area to the renewable energy concentrated areas. In particular, it induces an appropriate level of power grid investment by issuing RECs for self-consumption. A concrete plan is presented through a roadmap for activating distributed energy.

In particular, the power system promotes preemptive reinforcement and expansion of the system in preparation for the expansion of renewable energy, induces the expansion of decentralized power sources through the introduction of a benefit calculation and compensation system, improves the settlement adjustment system, and introduces new policies that take into account changes in the characteristics and roles of each power source The power market system is also being improved. In particular, for new and renewable generations exceeding 20MW, a new and renewable generation bidding system is introduced so that volatility can be absorbed by itself.

The Ministry of Industry and Industry is planning to prepare a final electric power plan by reflecting the opinions from the public hearing on that day, and hold an electric power policy council at the end of this month to confirm it.

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