“Now, when you keep it rather than make money… respond to volatility by securing 30% cash” [자이앤트TV]

On the 8th, when KOSPI boarding the soaring train from the beginning of this year closed at 3152, Infinity Investment Advisory posted a notice on its website stating that it will no longer receive new funds. With anticipation about how far the historic peak march will go, there was a sulking excitement among investors over the announcement.

Infinity Investment Advisor Park Se-ik said in an interview with Giant TV on the 28th, “Variability in the stock market is a big opportunity and crisis, but now, we made this decision because it is more important to protect assets than to make money.” I explained why.

“I could say that last year, when the KOSPI was 2500, it was necessary to invest in stocks, but this year should be considered a new version,” said Park. “It is safe to cash out 30% of the total investment,” he said.

Then, where is the KOSPI market headed this year? Managing Director Park said, “We are analyzing the expectation and performance of this year’s economic recovery as reflected in the stock price.” It will be difficult to do.” He explained, “If you respond to volatility by securing liquidity, it can be overcome, but for leveraged investors who invest in debt, downside volatility can be a huge pain,” he explained.

Amidst the importance of a strategy that sells well above all else, Park said, “As it is difficult to buy stocks in a crash market, it is equally difficult to sell stocks in an overheating market.” Revealed. To this end, he said, “It is necessary to establish a replacement trading strategy so that high-growth stocks that change the paradigm can be held for more than 10 years, and economically sensitive stocks can be replaced every 1-2 years.” “There is” he explained in detail.

Meanwhile, Giant TV is holding a subscriber event until February 5th in celebration of the new year. After subscribing to the channel, you can send a’certification shot’ to provide generous gifts such as AirPods Pro and gift certificates through lottery.

More detailed interview details can be found on the YouTube channel Giant TV at 10 am on the 30th.

[추동훈 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
